Monday, February 02, 2009

Thirty-Seven Hundred

Is roughly the amount of words contained between both parts of my GTAIV review. I've written essays with a word cap far below that. Mind you, it's less than a third in length of the longest essay I've written, but still. I can't believe how much effort I put into it. Probably somewhere in the area of at LEAST three hours. All of this for you, my readership of 2. Neither of which are likely to spend money on the game ANYWAYS. Some days it makes me wonder why I do the things I do. All that work put into something no one's going to look twice at. Simultaneously startling and incredibly pathetic.

I'm feeling rather mellow at the moment, I don't really want to do much of anything. Which is really not that great of a concept. I need to get an application for school ready, I need to get health forms figured out, I need to move on with things. But tonight... The drive just ain't there, folks. Perhaps it's my clever way of procrastinating and putting-off decisions I really don't want to make.

So instead I'll sit here and ramble on about how much the last episode of Battlestar rocked, how I'm excited yet skeptical of both Arkham Asylum and Heroes Over Europe, how I really miss the rainy grey mornings of the Lower Mainland, and how I really can't be bothered to actually go into detail for any of these things.

And then I'll finish up with a sig and a song that may or may not be vaguely connected to the contents of the above two-hundred and seventy-four words. Two-hundred and seventy-seven if you count the title.

Pete Fountain - Basin Street Blues


Frank said...

Hey, at least you didn't draw 2 other things while you were supposed to be drawing something else. I liked your GTA review. You shouldn't write or draw for anyone else. You should be doing it because you enjoy it or you're trying to hone your craft. Sure, an audience is great. But create art for you first, man.

Crilix said...

Well, I guess you got me there. I'm not sure if I write to hone a skill or for enjoyment... Maybe it's just for the sake of getting things out of my head, so that I can see it in a more physical form an recognize that I'm full of the proverbial "it". Will anything ever come of these late-night posts? Who knows.

Frank said...

Nah. But one day you'll look back and go, "Ha! I was so fucking stupid!" That's what happens when *I* look back on my stuff lol