Okay, so let's start with an update on how productive I've been.
Movie Reviews - Haven't done 'em, don't think I will. Too much time has passed since I've seen them.
Father's Day - Didn't do a darn thing, and now it's too late.
End of month finances - All caught up!
Comic site - Done! Given to Eric to Code! Huttah!
Considering I wanted to have those all done by last weekend, you'd probably assume I haven't been as productive as I wanted to be. But, actually, that's not the case. Every night for a week I did the comic site - It turned out to be a lot more work than I expected, but I got it done. I've also chosen what classes I'm going to try and register for (I got accepted for school, btw), and have found a car. Not too bad, eh? I guess that kinda makes up for not posting last week.
Granted, I could've done a bit better with my time over the past week, but finding a car was really stressful on me. All of the sudden I stopped sleeping well, lost my appetite, and generally came home each day and crashed like... Something that crashes a lot. But now that I have a car, I just need to figure out the insurance. Hopefully I'll do that tomorrow or Tuesday. Sooner the better: I'm trying to stay skeptical of the whole thing until it's over with. I don't want to get excited too early.
Oh, and it's a '96 Civic CX with 186 000km on it and fantastic service records. Looks like it's been kept in great condition. I'll need to get a set of rear tires and replace the windsheild though. I should be okay considering I paid $700 less than the asking price.
So from here on in, what I want to focus on is:
-INSURANCE, ASAP. From there I get to have a car.
-Drawing - finish up the piece for the anniversary.
-Start packing - I realized I have less than a month until I move away.
And of course from there I get to start stressing about how I bring what back home, getting some basic supplies for the car, changing my address for banking and phone and canceling health insurance, etc etc. All this and more within a wonderful three-week time frame! I think I can do it, I have a few days leeway before I have to leave. The drive home all by my lonesome should be interesting though...
If only I could call the rain to melt and wash away the pain you feel
I would
You gave yourself to me and showed me what the truth could be
For that, I say thank you
This was my life
It never made much sense to me
Yoko Kanno - No Reply
This song starts off with such a fantastic strings section. Too bad it doesn't keep through the rest of the piece.
Useless musings and worthless commentary from someone who seldom knows what he's talking about.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Productivity... Or lack thereof
"Okay," I tell myself, "I have 20 minutes to do a post before bed. Ready, GO!"
That was five minutes ago. These past few weeks, it's embarrassing how little I've been getting done in my spare time. I more often than not just find myself browsing the ever-so-ugly depths of Digg while checking in at Joystiq or CSNation every 45 minutes to break up the boredom. All the while, I should be drawing or photoshopping or something. Gah - I'll have to set a personal goal to only spend X amount of time on browsing the internet. And considering I don't really have any big or exciting games to play, there should be a heckuvalot more art-ish stuff going on. So how about I set some deadlines then:
Wed/Thurs - Post about movies I've seen over the past few weeks.
Before Fri - Draw something for Father's Day to send to my Dad. I'd get him an actual gift, but I'm a poor man.
Mon/Tue - Do end of month for my finances spreadsheet.
Before Fri - More work on the comic site - figure out how the buttons below the header will work.
There, that should do it for now. I also need to do more work on the pic for my grandparents, but that requires a bit of playing around yet.
This weekend I went out to a car lot and even took one for a spin. It was a '95 VW Cabrio. Cool little car - It doesn't handle quite as well as the CRX, but it's quite roomy and I LOVED the soft top. Too bad that the latter is the vehicle's downfall. It requires ~$1300 to replace the roof or the weather seals, so considering I'll be moving to where it rains a lot... Not a very wise idea. That's just asking for trouble. I bet my mom woulda liked it though...
I'm getting ever-so-stressed about this school thing. I can't believe it - I applied so early I now have to reapply. That SUCKS. Waste of $45, and I might lose $1900 worth in bursaries. Gah, I'm really starting to hate the idea of school. Sure, people tell me it's a must-do to progress in life, but... I've saved so hard over the past year and a half, and in less than that amount of time it'll all be out the door. I'm going into something that I know will make me as poor as a bucket. (Buckets are poor? Who knew...)
The best things in life are free
But you can give them to the birds and bees
I want money
That's what I want
That's what I want
That's what I want
Your love gives me such a thrill
But your love won't pay my bills
I want money
That's what I want
That's what I want
That's what I want
Flying Lizards - Money, That's What I Want
That was five minutes ago. These past few weeks, it's embarrassing how little I've been getting done in my spare time. I more often than not just find myself browsing the ever-so-ugly depths of Digg while checking in at Joystiq or CSNation every 45 minutes to break up the boredom. All the while, I should be drawing or photoshopping or something. Gah - I'll have to set a personal goal to only spend X amount of time on browsing the internet. And considering I don't really have any big or exciting games to play, there should be a heckuvalot more art-ish stuff going on. So how about I set some deadlines then:
Wed/Thurs - Post about movies I've seen over the past few weeks.
Before Fri - Draw something for Father's Day to send to my Dad. I'd get him an actual gift, but I'm a poor man.
Mon/Tue - Do end of month for my finances spreadsheet.
Before Fri - More work on the comic site - figure out how the buttons below the header will work.
There, that should do it for now. I also need to do more work on the pic for my grandparents, but that requires a bit of playing around yet.
This weekend I went out to a car lot and even took one for a spin. It was a '95 VW Cabrio. Cool little car - It doesn't handle quite as well as the CRX, but it's quite roomy and I LOVED the soft top. Too bad that the latter is the vehicle's downfall. It requires ~$1300 to replace the roof or the weather seals, so considering I'll be moving to where it rains a lot... Not a very wise idea. That's just asking for trouble. I bet my mom woulda liked it though...
I'm getting ever-so-stressed about this school thing. I can't believe it - I applied so early I now have to reapply. That SUCKS. Waste of $45, and I might lose $1900 worth in bursaries. Gah, I'm really starting to hate the idea of school. Sure, people tell me it's a must-do to progress in life, but... I've saved so hard over the past year and a half, and in less than that amount of time it'll all be out the door. I'm going into something that I know will make me as poor as a bucket. (Buckets are poor? Who knew...)
The best things in life are free
But you can give them to the birds and bees
I want money
That's what I want
That's what I want
That's what I want
Your love gives me such a thrill
But your love won't pay my bills
I want money
That's what I want
That's what I want
That's what I want
Flying Lizards - Money, That's What I Want
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Wow, it has really been storming over the past... Two hours at least. Nonstop lightning, lots of rain, the whole nine yards. The rain came down so viciously at first that it flooded the road - You couldn't even tell where the storm drains were. An the lightning just keeps coming, it seems like there's a flash every minute or so. Some are close, some are far away, some are spectacular and some are weak. There's the odd one that'll flash so brightly and then when the thunder comes it's so strong you feel it in your gut. Ah, I love watching storms. That's one thing I wish they had more of back storm.
I've tried going on late-night walks before bed recently. Just a few times so far. I go out, really enjoy the music, and get some quality alone time. I was hoping it would help me sleep better - Go and get a bit of physical activity and have a chance to slow down the mind. Unfortunately, I've slept horribly after I've gone for walks. It's really too bad - I rather enjoy late-night strolls while I really get into some tunes. Oh well. It has made me realize something, though - I don't like living in the city. Everything smells like sweat. Human sweat, building sweat, car sweat. The "fresh" air doesn't smell so fresh when you're surrounded by so many unnatural odors. That, and the horizon has a fine greyish brown coating over it, making the sunsets incredibly less spectacular. Makes me realize how lucky I've been to live in either a small village or town for most of my life.
Oh, and I've been listening to Wisperings (solopianoradio.com) recently. Really nice music, nothing but a solo piano playing softer music. It's a really powerful instrument in the hands of a gifted player.
Sing us a song, you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well, were all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feelin' alright
Billy Joel - Piano Man
I've tried going on late-night walks before bed recently. Just a few times so far. I go out, really enjoy the music, and get some quality alone time. I was hoping it would help me sleep better - Go and get a bit of physical activity and have a chance to slow down the mind. Unfortunately, I've slept horribly after I've gone for walks. It's really too bad - I rather enjoy late-night strolls while I really get into some tunes. Oh well. It has made me realize something, though - I don't like living in the city. Everything smells like sweat. Human sweat, building sweat, car sweat. The "fresh" air doesn't smell so fresh when you're surrounded by so many unnatural odors. That, and the horizon has a fine greyish brown coating over it, making the sunsets incredibly less spectacular. Makes me realize how lucky I've been to live in either a small village or town for most of my life.
Oh, and I've been listening to Wisperings (solopianoradio.com) recently. Really nice music, nothing but a solo piano playing softer music. It's a really powerful instrument in the hands of a gifted player.
Sing us a song, you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well, were all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feelin' alright
Billy Joel - Piano Man
Sunday, June 03, 2007
You know what I really hate?
When someone does something nice for you, and turns around and uses it for leverage. They do it out of what seems sheer kindness, and the next day say "Do this and consider it payment for what I did for you earlier." GAH. At first, you're like "Whoa, this is really really nice of them!" and they go up a notch in your book. And then you go "I should've figured you wouldn't have been some selfless..." And they get bumped down three. Makes me wish I had made a snarky comment when it gets turned around on me.
In other news, I flew off my bike this week. I was going stupid-fast around a corner and my back end swung out a bit and hit a railing. It was quite surreal to be able to think, "Huh, I'm in free fall right now. This should be interesting..." I think I landed correctly, though. Judging by the scratch on my elbow and damage to my foot I got off without any other injury. I think I rolled out of it like I used to practice falling in karate. It's one of those things I never really expected that I'd be able to use effectively, and when it came down to the split-second reaction I did. Or at least I think I did. Who knows, maybe I just was lucky to hit in a safe-ish position. Oh well, the best part of the whole ordeal was when my bike handlebars hit the pavement and my bell went "Ding!" It sounded like quite the contrast to what happened.
Anyways, I've been researching cars. Lots of Civics and Precidias. I gotta go cheap, and I gotta go new. I guess that rules out all the Porsches, but I guess that'll come in the future. I'm looking in the $6000-$8000 range - Hopefully that'll get me a decent enough ride that'll last me through school with minimal maintenance. Being poor, here I come. We'll see how it ends up, though. I need to get a car soon so that it can be insured for a month before I move back home. That way I don't have to pay sales tax. Oh well, worse comes to worst, I can always look for cars when I get back.
Anyhoo, things I should do sooner than later:
-Figure out how to register for the fall semester
-Cancel medical coverage
-Comic website
-prairie drawing
Moving across provincial borders suck. At least it's not across international ones...
I bought me an auto, an '81 Ford Escort Wagon
Now the fan it be broke and the tail-pipe it be draggin'
I feel like a schlemiel, my mechanic's fit for hangin'
I got to go to Rust Check , 'bout the price I'll be hagglin'
I can't drive it home because the muffler it be saggin'
Got a car full of pain
Arrogant Worms - Car Full of Pain
In other news, I flew off my bike this week. I was going stupid-fast around a corner and my back end swung out a bit and hit a railing. It was quite surreal to be able to think, "Huh, I'm in free fall right now. This should be interesting..." I think I landed correctly, though. Judging by the scratch on my elbow and damage to my foot I got off without any other injury. I think I rolled out of it like I used to practice falling in karate. It's one of those things I never really expected that I'd be able to use effectively, and when it came down to the split-second reaction I did. Or at least I think I did. Who knows, maybe I just was lucky to hit in a safe-ish position. Oh well, the best part of the whole ordeal was when my bike handlebars hit the pavement and my bell went "Ding!" It sounded like quite the contrast to what happened.
Anyways, I've been researching cars. Lots of Civics and Precidias. I gotta go cheap, and I gotta go new. I guess that rules out all the Porsches, but I guess that'll come in the future. I'm looking in the $6000-$8000 range - Hopefully that'll get me a decent enough ride that'll last me through school with minimal maintenance. Being poor, here I come. We'll see how it ends up, though. I need to get a car soon so that it can be insured for a month before I move back home. That way I don't have to pay sales tax. Oh well, worse comes to worst, I can always look for cars when I get back.
Anyhoo, things I should do sooner than later:
-Figure out how to register for the fall semester
-Cancel medical coverage
-Comic website
-prairie drawing
Moving across provincial borders suck. At least it's not across international ones...
I bought me an auto, an '81 Ford Escort Wagon
Now the fan it be broke and the tail-pipe it be draggin'
I feel like a schlemiel, my mechanic's fit for hangin'
I got to go to Rust Check , 'bout the price I'll be hagglin'
I can't drive it home because the muffler it be saggin'
Got a car full of pain
Arrogant Worms - Car Full of Pain
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