Sunday, June 29, 2008

Just a lonely day in sunny Southern California

Ok, so I guess I missed a week. Lets do a quick summary of what's happened since the 15th, shall we?

I doubled my hard drive space. I'm now the semi-reluctant owner of 1TB. I got an external 500GB Wester Digital My Book. It was on for $140 at Costco, and I've been meaning to get something of the sorts for proper backup purposes. I was hoping to get the 250GB version, which was not available. Oh well, I only need ~75GB for backup storage, but I suppose the other 425GB will come in handy some how.

I lazored the Wii on Friday - it now has a big' ol' Zelda/Triforce crest on one side, and the Okami wolf on the other. It looks pretty slick, when you hold it just-so in the light. I'll try and get some pics together at some point.

Oh! And there's now an FNF TF2 server! Not only that, but Ventrilo to boot. Assuming you're reading this, interested in TF2, and are not Frank, the relevant info can be found here. It brings a warm feeling to my belly and makes me excited when I think about the clan. I hope this goes really well. And if you are reading this and you are Frank, thanks dude. You know I appreciate all your hard work and that I loves you <3

Been a good two weeks in music for me. I've bombed through the Barenaked Ladies discography and found some real gems. I also found a few good 'uns from Steve Page's Vanity Project and How to Be a Mega Star (Live!) (from the Blue Man Group). I've also listened to the latest Coldplay album, Vida La Viva el Taco Varnish Amigo Pasta... or something like that. I don't really have any strong feelings for any of the songs therein. I also got the Early Stages Of... The Polyphonic Spree. Nothing in there really grabbed my attention like the Fragile Army album did.

What else... Grid is frustrating me, I'm really not that good at more serious racing games. Still an intense game though. I've started out Stranglehold, which is failing to leave an impression. It tries to be Max Payne, but it's just missing something. In TF2 I've now got all the Pyro unlocks, and because the criteria have been altered I now have the Kritzkreig too. Man, I love Valve sooo much for their awesome games.

Ok, quick rant: I hate how books still cost significantly more here in Canada than in the US. I thought I'd be sneaky about it and order from, but they stick you with stupid-high shipping fees to the point where it's not worth it. Gah, it frustrates me so much. I might have an ace up my sleve, however, if I can use my uncle's business drop point at the border. Also on a similar note, the aforementioned Valve I love so much no longer ships to any addresses outside the United States. Argh. Why must they torment me so? Once again, the fabled border drop point may come into play...

Put your hand in mine
I'll introduce you to my pets, oh yeah
This one's called They're Lying to Us All
This one's called Regret, it is the patron saint
Of Southern California

What Could Have Been and What Never Was
Conspire against us all because
They love a lonely day in sunny Southern California
Another lonely day in sunny Southern California

Steven Page - So. Cal

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mashing gears

I'm tired and it's late, so I'll keep things short and simple.

I've been playing more Grid. Alot more. I'm stilll having fun - it's very challenging, but when you win it's quite satisfying. I spent probably 2hrs this weekend on a single race challenge - and it's because (I'm pretty sure) of handicapping. I loathe cheating AI players in racing games. No, it's not speed/acceleration cheats, it's collision physics. Sneaky, but hella annoying when he taps you and you bounce off into a wall while he continues on. I finally beat the race, but I'm still annoyed.

Watched Battlestar last night, and I was blown away. *SPOILERS* What a stellar half-season, I've really enjoyed it. I especially loved the kick-in-the-gut of finding out Earth was a nuclear winter wasteland. What a dramatic note to end things on until 2009. I can't wait to see how the final last half-season wraps up. Also, I found the scene with Adama breaking down to be really powerful.

Been working on some laser projects at work. It can be frustrating at times, what with how all mistakes are permanent. I have the knowledge to operate the device however I need to, I just need to make sure I have all my ducks in a row before proceeding with the engravement. Oh well. Dad's BBQ set turned out well. My first fabrication project did not, the first version was a complete bust. I have some redesigning to do.

I'm trying out a new sleeping pattern. I read that people with 6-7.5hrs of sleep a night generally have higher energy levels than others. I'm trying to whittle down my 9hrs a night to ~8hrs, and I'm beginning to feel more drowsy-like. We'll see if I adjust over the next week or so. If not, back to the same old same old.


I need to take my sketchpad to work and scan in the half-dozen(ish) sketches I have in there. Thaz all fer nao.

Standing by the window
Eyes upon the moon
Hoping that the memory will leave her spirit alone
She shuts the doors and lights
And lays her body on the bed
Where images and words are running deep
She has too much pride to pull the sheets above her head
So quietly the lays and waits for sleep

Dreeam Theatre - Wait for Sleep

Sunday, June 08, 2008


Yeah, so you know that beach jumping pic I did last week? Some creepy dude has been leaving some creepy comments on it's flickr page. They give me the jibblies. I wonder if I should delete them (the comments)...

Moving on - I bought Grid this weekend. I gotta say I'm becoming increasingly impressed with Steam. I downloaded the 12GB game over the course of 6 hours or so, with an average speed of 400-600 kb/s. I seldom ever get torrents going that fast. As for the game - it's awesome. The immersiveness is top notch, and the quality is excellent. For some reason, though, I'm having problems controlling the cars. I'm guessing it's me being used to the Need for Speed series, which is pretty simple and arcade-ish. Fun stuff though - fishtailing around San Fransisco street corners in a Boss Mustang is lots of fun.

And, I have to say - it's not often that I have a "whoa" moment from video games. The last one was probably double-jumping in Portal or watching the bridge explode at the beginning of Half-Life Episode 2. (Ok, so that was pretty recent, but it's been a while before that). And today I just had a significant "whoa" from Grid. I was racing on Le Mans, and had fallen far behind the pack to the point that the higher class cars were about to lap me. I look behind, and see some (F1?) cars in the distance. I go about my way, and a few seconds later I hear a whine. I was doing about ~250km/h at the time, and all of the sudden a pack of these cars scream by me. Holy smokes. I was blown away - must've been because of how far I was into the game. Watching the day/night cycle was also pretty impressive.

Anyhoo, art:

Haven't really done anything that great over the past week... Well, except for colouring some guest-strips that Frank drew for The Incredible Cocuyo. Gah, I haven't even drawn today. Well, that's my cue to get other stuff done...

The ninjas are deadly and silent
They’re also unspeakably violent
They speak Japanese
They do whatever they please
And sometimes they vacation in Ireland

The ninjas are deadly and silent
They’re also unspeakably violent
They speak Japanese
They do whatever they please
And if you tear of their mask,
They’ll be smiling

Barenaked Ladies - The Ninjas

Monday, June 02, 2008

Everybody knows that everybody wants

This just in! I'm winning the infection battle. Maybe. I think I am. But I might not be. Yeah, these kinda things are oh-so-fun. Basically, I'm hopped up on a wonderful combination of Vitamin C and garlic. And, it looks like the infection has stopped spreading, even reducing a smidge. I've still got some nasty spot (eczema on my EARLOBE? Really?!). But I'm optimistic. I'm in good enough shape to get away with not needing a doctor, so I can hold out a bit longer yet, and we'll see how things progress.

Quick! A one-sentence-per-subject paragraph about the various media occurences over the past week! I beat San Andreas - not a bad game, but it's somehow missing the charm of previous titles despite the hilarious references to their characters. The Lost season finale left me with mixed feelings, and I'm once again feeling very unsatisfied by the show. I quite enjoyed the last BSG episode, and loved how it ended. Speaking of which, was it the last episode for this half of the season? Hope not. I saw Lost in Translation over the weekend, and was impressed at how unique it was both in realistic dialogue and how the piece was filmed.

Ok, here's some quick art, and then I need to check out Frank's sketches, then start coloring the latest issue of The Incredible Cocoyo. I need to get some work done on my own comic projects at some point...

I went jumping off of sand dunes at Half-Moon Bay in California, when I was down there for the Maker Faire. I got a friend to snap two really cool pics of me mid-jump, and this is my artified version of one of them. I think I have some contrast issues, and the shoreline looks a bit wonky. Oh well, it's not all bad.

Oh, and congrats to Shaun, who got hitched this past weekend. If I recall correctly, it was about a month before I found out he was engaged that he told me that he "swore off women". Heh. I guess the right woman will do all sorts of funny things to you.

Everybody knows you don't get what you planned
Everybody runs away from what they don't understand
Everybody hides away the guilt of their youth
And everybody wonders why no one ever tells the truth
Everybody knows that everybody wants
And everybody has their ghosts that emptiness that haunts
When everybody adds it up they've lost more than they've won
And everybody wishes they weren't just like everyone
Forever and ever amen
Forever and ever amen
Forever and ever amen
Forever and ever amen

8mm - Forever and Ever Amen