Sunday, September 28, 2008

Crashing in my little world

Oh, Sunday nights. Sync up the iPod, write up another post, and watch something while you try and settle down for the impending work week. Huzzah.

I played Crysis week before last, I borrowed it from my uncle. Which, by the way, says right on the disk that it's an disallowed activity. Riiiight. Anyways the game was alright - the story was fairly standard, but the maps were pretty epic and layed out well. There was a good sense of freedom. The vehicles never really did anything for me though. The suit could be pretty fun, it gave you many ways to mess with the enemy. The high-point of the game was when you faced off against similarly powered enemies in a cat and cloaked-mouse-with-a-shotgun-firing-at-your-face. The cloak was pretty cheap at times, but worse yet were the helicopters which could magically track you regardless of being underwater, hidden, cloaked, or a combination of all three. It was fairly lame. As was the end boss fight and the alien complex level. The prior was just kind of simplistic and the latter was just annoyingly directionless with poor level design mixed in. Ah well, the game had its moments.

And this week I watched Run Lola Run, an interesting German flick. It had a great premise and was very unique. Parts of it seemed to be chopped up and disconnected, but it retained a great deal of charm. I also finished Lawrence of Arabia, of which I'll say it has a slow beginning, stung out middle and disappointing ending. And a really really overly-epic score. The film didn't do much for me.

And I also watched the 2hr Heroes Premiere. It was convoluted, and watching the entirety of The 4400 in between seasons has successfully destroyed my appetite for the show. Frank's expressions says it all. I'm not sure if I'll keep watching.

The Office premiere was solid, though. Not a hugely awesome episode, but it's made of the same good stuff that watch the show for.

And now for the big news, my new computer has been ordered. It came to $950ish, but much of that was shipping/insurance and there's some rebates on top of it all. Here's the specifics:

RAM: Mushkin HP PC2-6400 4GB 2X2GB DDR2
Motherboard: ASUS P5N-T Deluxe
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 3.33GHZ
CPU cooling: Scythe Katana 2
Case & Power: Antec P182 & Truepower Trio 650W

It should be a screamer. I'm a lil' concerned about the mobo - I did some more reading after I placed the order and it seems like it's a finicky piece of hardware. Apparently Asus is doing a good job of supporting it, though, and a BIOS update should iron out the wrinkles. So now it's a waiting game. Back everything up, get all my ducks in a row, then assemble it all after it arrives. It gives me jitters thinking about building a new system from scatch. It should be fun though.

Look! Art!

I did this for my mom who works at a Library. I rather like how it turned out for some reason. Especially the running book.

It never ceases to amaze me how much I can write without saying anything. Hmph. Maybe I'll try to make a future post about the upcoming federal election. That might be slightly more meaningful.

Ugh, I am so not looking forward to the next five days...

Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable

Lacuna Coil - Enjoy the Silence

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Carefree highway, let me slip away on you.

Yup, it's Fall. I went for a walk last night to scout out where the nearest church was. And as I marched down the pavement there was that oh-so-familiar crunch crunch of the dry multicoloured leaves beneath me. More fell off the trees as I passed them, lining the streets with vivid warm hues. Mind you, when I made the trip again this morning, the rain had reduced it all to a wonderful mush. And now, as I sit here and tap tap at the keys under my fingers I can here the strong autumn winds barging through the complex, following the twisty sidewalks and ripping around building after building. I can feel the chill. It makes me think of home.

Which I visited last week, hence the lack of the weekly blog update/post. I went to have some dental work done (it was cheaper than doing it sans-health coverage), and had a good, but abrupt, visit with the family. And the car.

Now, for the record, my car completely embodies my sense of independence and freedom. Yes, I live in a whole 'nother province then my family and I ride the bus to work every day to work at quite a decent job. And I have the money to put my credit card to use ordering the likes of a new 22" LCD monitor. But believe me when I say that this is quite a shallow existence. There is something undeniably... Liberating, to have the ability to go where you want, when you want. Without a ticket or fare, without having to ask someone for a ride. And even when I was living at home and had my car at standby, I seldom took it for a casual spin. Y'see, I know I'm a rather dumb, young, and naive person. And so the rare occasions where I realize I am being as such I try to take ahold of things and do something sensible and mature. In this case, it's letting my car sit in a garage and gather dust. Gas is expensive, insurance is practically extortion, and upkeep ain't no picnic either. And especially when there's a competant public transit system on hand and you live a short bikeride from work... There really isn't a logical excuse to jump through the hoops to have and drive a car in a congested city where you never go faster than 60KM/H. And it creates a void, it really does. When I went home last week I paid $35 to insure my car for 24hrs, of which I maybe drove it for 3. But damn those were three kickass hours. I didn't really go anywhere in particular - I just went. Setup the iPod, cranked the stereo, and drove.


In other news, I watched Pulp Fiction. Interesting flick. I don't really think it lived up to what the majority of people made it out to be, but it had some charm. The characters were articulate (well, aside from the plethora of profanity, but I suppose that's just what Samuel L Jackson does), and the banter between them was witty. Overall it felt a little bit... Directionless and incomplete. But I'll give it points for being original enough to really make you wonder what will happen around the next corner.

And that, folks, wraps up the weekend. It's almost time for bed, so maybe I can quick check that darn Google Reader one last time, maybe do a few more tracks in Audiosurf, or read a book. Oh, the possibilities...

Searchin' through the fragments of my dream-shattered sleep
I wonder if the years have closed her mind
I guess it must be wanderlust or tryin' to get free
From the good old faithful feelin' we once knew

Carefree highway, let me slip away on you
Carefree highway, you seen better days
The mornin' after blues from my head down to my shoes
Carefree highway, let me slip away
Slip away on you
Let me slip away on you

Gordon Lightfoot - Carefree Highway

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Yellow Brick Road

Hrm. I just finished watching Life on Mars today. I gotta say, as a whole, it wasn't too bad. The characters and story were pretty solid, but there were some repetitive parts that got on my nerves after a while. Main the will-they-won't-they bit that got predictable, and how Ray had a chip on his shoulder. The ending was... Pretty unique, however. It wasn't quite what I expected, and I can see how it can be interpreted differently. I guess it had all the bases covered, and added a good mix of thought-provoking controversy. And yet, it left me not quite satisfied. On the whole though, I think I rather enjoyed the series. I wish more TV shows only lasted two or three seasons. Scrubs and Smallville, to name a few that have jumped the shark too long ago and could've really gained from a clearer criteria.

Moving on to moving literally. I picked up and changed residences this weekend - I was kinda how surprised how it all came together quickly. Within about a week everything was finalized, and I'm not moved in. Huh. Funny how that works. Makes me wonder how many more times over the course of my life I'll do it again. What an ugly thought.

Oh, I've also finished Beyond Good and Evil this weekend. IT was a good game - I'm not quite sure if it's as good as everyone raves it to be, but I enjoyed it. It had some good story telling, and a very intriguing setting. I think I'll sign up for the sequel, if/when it comes. I gotta say though - the combat was pretty solid. It may have been kinda simple, but I always felt in control and able to direct my attacks where I wanted to. That part, I think, was done very well. We'll see what comes down the line, I'd love to see where the story goes.

Here's some art:

I know it's rather simple and plain, I did it last thing Friday night before I packed up the computer. I rather like the dude's expression.

Quick video game blurb. I've ran out of games to play, at the moment. Nothing really grabs my attention. I might be tempted to play some more Test Drive Unlimited, but my controller kinda broke, and I can't consistently steer to the right. Also, it's very annoying how you need to drive around to 'discover' races and such. But that's okay, all is forgiven because HOLY CRAP I'll have my hands full this fall/winter. Lots of good games coming... At least five games within a month that I'm interested in. Okay, priorities:

1) LEFT 4 DEAD. Cannot wait. Do want.
2) Need for Speed Undercover. Yeah, yeah - the last two were horrible and my controller is broken. I still have high hopes for this one. As much as I enjoyed Grid, an arcadey racer is still good fun. Especially if you can customize the hell out of your car.
3) Mirror's Edge. Gotta hand it to EA - it looks like a truly original and unique title. I think I'll want to at least try a demo first.
4) GTA4. I wanna see what all the fuss is about. I get the impression that the multiplayer will be good.
Crysis Warhead. If it's cheap ($30) I might get it for kicks
Red Alert 3. I've fallen off the RTS horse, but C&C3 was so good this is tempting.
CoD5. I'd snatch it up in a heartbeat, but I'm not 100% sure how Treyarch will handle this one. We'll see what the reviews are like.
Also, Spore doesn't quite pique my interest.

Ugh, so many games. We'll have to see how things unravel. If there is one thing that's for-sure, L4D is getting preordered on Steam the second it's available. And now amigos, it's off to bed. I need to take the bus to work in the morning!

Maybe you'll get a replacement
There's plenty like me to be found
Mongrels who ain't got a penny
Sniffing for tidbits like you on the ground

So goodbye yellow brick road
Where the dogs of society howl
You can't plant me in your penthouse
I'm going back to my plough

Back to the howling old owl in the woods
Hunting the horny back toad
Oh I've finally decided my future lies
Beyond the yellow brick road

Elton John - Beyond the Yellow Brick Road

Monday, September 01, 2008

You can't get the sound from a story in a magazine

This week in gaming is brought to you by an absurd amount of Test Drive Unlimited, complete with two-and-a-half laps of the island. That's something like 2 hours in and of itself... Also, I completely ROCKED some Pyro and Heavy Teamfortress 2 action with Frank - I can't believe I got some many points AND achievements. I did so hella great. This week was also brought to you by Beyond Good and Evil - camera issues, bugs, nuances... And a surprisingly solid storytelling. Which, you all know, I love so much.

So, this week... I started AND finished watching the first season of Life on Mars. All I gotta say is... Gotta love them British shows. They sure know how to do TV - long episodes, with only about six of 'em to the season. This particular one is pretty good too - it's well written and has a great unique element to it. I'm currently waiting for season two to finish - it's been taking forever.

It's been a pretty lousy long weekend though. Around Thursday afternoon I came down with a pretty bad stomach bug... And it pretty much stayed with me until this morning. Upset stomach and digestive issues... Blech. Also made me kinda light-headed and tired. But I was feeling back up to normal today, I went out and did some shopping and banking. And then... I had a box o' Mac & Cheese for supper... Which, maybe, just put me back to square one. Woo, this'll make for a fun week.

In other news, turns out I'll be changing ships and moving in with some coworkers/friends, instead of staying with my Aunt and Uncle. It'll be an interesting change of scenery - I'm not sure how long I'll remain out here in Cowboy Central City. Probably until Christmas... Maybe a little longer? Hooray for uncertainty. Regardless, it'll make for an interesting few months at least.

Now, art. This weekend's project is a challenge between me and the Frank - we had to both draw this picture, just so we could see how the two pieces compare. You can see his entry here, and mine is below. The lines didn't quite turn out as well as I was hoping, and the colours are kinda weak, but I think I did okay.

In a semi-related note, I did sketch #250 today. Woohoo! That leaves 116 to go. Erm, or 117 because this year has/had a leap day. Go figure.

What's the matter with the car I'm driving?
"Can't you tell that it's out of style?"
Should I get a set of while wall tires?
"Are you gonna cruise the miracle mile?
Nowadays you can't be too sentimental
Your best bet's a true baby blue Continental"
Hot funk, cool punk, even if it's old junk
It's still rock and roll to me

Oh, it doesn't matter what they say in the papers
'Cause it's always been the same old scene
There's a new band in town
But you can't get the sound from a story in a magazine
Aimed at your average teen

Billy Joel - It's Still Rock and Roll to Me