So... Trump.
I think this is one of those reminders that 'your worldview and priorities are not necessarily shared with the majority of the population'.
Here's what I don't get: so many people right now are losing their minds, convinced that their new president is ushering in a second Dark Ages. People protesting, lamenting the inevitable loss of human rights, and worrying about a fundamental collapse of society. But what if the roles were flipped? What if Clinton won and it was Republicans that were refusing to accept the results? Then Clinton's supporters would be saying in a condescending tone, "Now. now, those stupid conservatives just need to buck up and accept the results of the democratic system."
Doesn't anyone see that how democrats feel about Trump is how Republicans have been feeling about Obama? Doesn't anyone see that it's all the same flavour of hatred and rage?
I mean, yeah, Trump definitely wouldn't have been my choice had I had the opportunity to vote in the matter. I have faith, though, that the US government is a large and slow moving ship, and despite what the man up front says, it's not as if he has complete control of the wheel, rudder, and sails. Let's practice a modicum of optimism (or even caution) here, rather than proclaiming the very apocalypse has arrived. Despite what many consider a questionable nature of Trump's character, maybe he can still be a responsible president, albeit one with an agenda that many aren't fond of.
And maybe, just maybe, more Trump supporters could have been convinced to vote the other way if they hadn't all been immediately branded as racist backwater idiots, and had their leader dismissed as a total buffoon and scumbag. Maybe instead of immediately insulting and telling these people that their values are stupid, a little respect and acknowledgement of their concerns would have gone a long way.
Why do people have to hate each other so much? Is empathy that hard?
On election night Stephen Colbert made a moving speech about the poison in the waters and how the nation should come together and heal its wounds, rather than demonizing each other. Then the next day, he kinda doubles down on mocking Trump (and his supporters by proxy). I get that he's ultimately an entertainer, but that kind of 180 degree turn after what seemed like a sincere plea for unity is a bit heartbreaking.
Yes, there are bad apples on each side of this fight. For every racist that says minorities are intellectually inferior, there's an atheist that says the exact same thing about a person of faith. I secretly hope these people go jump off a cliff. But I'd like to think, though, that the majority of the conservative and liberal spectrums consists of people with their own reasonable beliefs and values. And Republicans hating or demonizing Democrats isn't much worse than when the tables are turned around, like they are now.
A little bit of compassion and respect, and a willingness to compromise. Is that too much to ask for? Life isn't black and white, and I don't see why politics has to be much different. Can't we all just... get along?
I dunno, it's not even my country, so maybe I don't have a right to speak on the matter. But a lot of what happens down there spills over up here. Maybe this election didn't have the best outcome by a few different standards, but I don't see why this has to be the end of the world just yet. Let's just breathe a bit and see how it goes, and for heaven's sake, just be a bit kinder to each other.
Just a thought.