Monday, January 30, 2006


Well, who called it? I did in fact have problems with my computer. After 5 or so days of wrestling with my system, I found out that my new hard drive was gibbled. It tended to crash whatever was writing to it. Diagnostics, formatters, and, oh, WINDOWS. I'm currently installed on my old drive, and am waiting for a response to my RMA request. No biggie. I was pretty devastated when I started having problems, but I'm over it.

The computer is running and performing GREAT. Whereas I had Call of Duty 2 playing on absolute minimum specs on my old system with a poor framerate, I'm not running it at 1024x768 with full graphics. It runs beutifully, I haven't even noticed a FPS drop in some of the more intense moments. And, the best part... When I tab out and check my performance stats, I'm only using HALF my resources! I dunno how accurate that was, but still... I'm blown away. In the Half-Life 2 stress test, I averaged 120FPS, while it occasionally spiked above 200 and even peaked at 300 near the ending sequence. I'm thrilled.

Happy fragging ahead!!

We just had to ask
Maybe some one out of heaven
Would hear us down here

We couldn't bear to stand
How the people leave us waiting
For something up there

Oh, why did you leave?
Why won't you come?
And save us again?

Come back to us spiders
Come uncrush my hand
Let peace and beauty reign
And bring us love again, like you can

Moby - Spiders

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