Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Oh, the rain and snow.

MAN, I am such a sucker for good, story-driven video games. KotoR 2 RAWKED. I couldn't put it down. Yeah, it's kinda old and buggy, but... Gah, I miss storyline stuff like that. I want more. Will there be a KotoR 3? There are rumours, but I may just have to buy it if it arrives. Gah, the whole thing makes me miss Star Wars. Y'know, everything the expanded universe did right before Georgy-boy butchered it. C'mon, Fett a clone? Jeez, that was so lame.


So sue me, I used to be a *hardcore* Star Wars fan.

With KotoR out of the way, that leaves me with BF2142 to play. I'm eagerly waiting on the new patch, hoping it'll smoothen things out a bit. I'm still a bit sick of it from playing ~20hrs of it within three days a while back. I think I can go back for more.

It doesn't stop me from wanting to get NFS Carbon, though. All those cars look so sexy, and I want to get my hands on that autoscult feature thing. FINALLY, a little bit more versitality in the customization department. Even just being able to rotate vinyls will be nice. I just replayed Underground 2 and Most Wanted (I've been on a racing/driving binge recently), and I really liked the customization and drifting from Underground and the cops and slow-mo from Wanted. Carbon looks to be a decent hybrid between the two. The car selection looks fantastic - the muscle cars especially. Now the real question is... What version do I get? I understand both the Collectors and downloaded version have special cars. Does either of them have all the vehicles? Jeez, why is stuff like this so hard to find out?

I hear back home there's been a lot of rain, and a bit of flooding in nearby areas. Scary stuff, although... Not surprising. It *is* the lower mainland. Here it's been off and on snow and rain and sun. I hate Calgary weather. It went from -20c to +15c over last weekend. Crazy.

Anydangway, what is with some people and their car? Okay, I get how much in can mean to some people, but... What's so jaw-dropping scary about a plastic containter siiting on a hood? Will it scratch it? Will it melt or leave marks in the -5c morning? It's not like it's brand new or you don't know an autobody specialist or anything. Maybe it's something about it being a 14-year old beater that you're about to retire within the next few months. Whatever. I'd be protective of my car if I still had it. *Sigh*

Y'know what ticks me off? People who are always so hard to impress and act so... Bitter or condescending. They make you feel so horrible, whatever you try to do to get on their good side. Why is it that you try and talk to them in chipper and mutual tone, when all they do is reply and talk down to you? I don't get it. I don't know how someone can be like that.

My iPod battery may be on the fritz. It might be a good $40 to get it replaced... Sucky deal. I'm so annoyed at how much more expensive things are here than in the 'States. Yes, INCLUDING the exchange rate. It ticks me off. A new iPod is $20 cheaper down south than here. Don't even get me started on the BSG DVDs. I can't wait for the Canadian dollar to come out on top. It'll be bad for the business I work at, but... MAN, I'm sick of these lame prices.

This seems to have been a rather ranty-esque post. Now I gotta go upstairs, get a drink, and look at the orange-purple sky as snow falls under the light of street lamps. Mmm...

I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles its a very very
Mad world
Mad world
Enlarging your world
Mad world

Gary Jules - Mad World

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude, I think you can replace your ipod battery on your own, but it's cheaper.

Check it, mon.,1759,1835128,00.asp