Back! It's been a hectic two weeks. First, I'd like to say that I think I hate Christmas shopping. Completely. Can't stand it. Yes, I got something for everyone, but I absolutely loathe roaming the isles and isles looking for who-knows-what. Even if you DO know what, it's just as hard to hunt down what you're looking for. Gah. What an annoyance. It got to the point where I was ready to give up and scream all sorts of 'BAH-HUMBUG!'(s). Not fun.
But, I did go home for Christmas, and I did enjoy myself. The tooth ache sucked, what with all the good food around that needed to be eaten. But it got better and I snacked out. It was nice being home. I had fun filling my sisters stockings and getting extra gifts for my parents with my siblings. I relaxed, I biked, I skated, I went for a walk... A good vacation. Made coming back to real life that much more painful.
I didn't bag any astonishly good lewt this year. Some socks, some pens, and some junk food. Nothing overly exciting. First time in a while that I didn't get any software. Did I get anything from my list? Notta thing. Except for the BNL CD, that I got for myself after seeing it in a discount bin. Meh, it couldn't hurt. I got a bit of cash for Christmas ($100), but I haven't spent it on anything. I want to buy some CDs, but...
a) They're SO expensive. $80 for FIVE albums? JEEZ. I'm sure I could save a chunk by going through iTunes, but I hate that DRM crap and I like my physical disc, case, and book. Maybe I'm old fashioned. But make no mistake - I *really* hate DRM. I'm never buying anything from iTunes again.
b) I can't find anywhere to get what I want all in one place. Okay, so I've only checked and, but you'd figure with their size they'd have what you want. But no, they don't. Each site has a differant album missing.
I think I'll just hold on to my cash and grab them when I find them instore. Pick them up one at a time, hopefully when cheap. And speaking of albums to buy, Love by the Beatles is now on it. Quite a great remix. Some of the songs sound more or less the same as the origionals, but some are phenomanally differant. I gotta get my hands on that action. I saw it at Costco, but I didn't want the special edition with DVD. I'll go cheap, thanks.
I think my finances for the month have effectively been shot. I wasn't keeping very good track of what I have been buying where for how much. I have a vague estimate of how much I used, but I'm not quite sure what I actually spent. I got a bit of a bonus from work which should, in theory, cover my Christmas spending. That's nice. Gotta keep on savin' the monies.
So what do we have to look forward to? 2007. I'm sure done with 2006. What a crappy year it's been. And y'know what the New Year means, aside from the excuse to break resolutions? BSG and Heroes come back. And to a lesser extent of caring, Lost and Scrubs also. Oh, it also means the BNL concert is coming up quickly. And sometime over the course of the next 6-8 months I may be getting my hands on HL2 - Episode 2, Supreme Commander, and a Wii. We'll see if any of that happens, or if I'll stick to my money hoarding ways.
In the mean time, it's back to work with me. Hooray for inventory time, when I get to count anything and everything. The time of year when numerical order matters so much, although I start counting 25, 26, 28, 29, 13, 14, 15...
Back to the ol' grindstone.
I look from the wings
At the play you are staging
While my guitar gently weeps
As I am sitting here
Doing nothing but aging
Still my guitar gently weeps
The Beatles - While My Guitar Gently Weeps
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