Okay, so the week started off okay. I wrestled and wrestled with the decision to call Calgary quits and head home to go to school. I fought with myself about it, lost sleep over it, etc. Then I decided that was indeed the way to go. It seemed like it was a good move, I was already feeling a bit better about life in general. And then WHAM. Not a week later, my boss(es) received an offer to expand their business and they hinted at a raise and decent bonus if I stay on for a few more months. FRAK. I feel so defeated! I sweat and fight with this decision, go ahead and make it, and then it turns out to be null and void! GAH! Don't me wrong, I'll be going home regardless. But although the prospect of extra cash does seem quite alluring, I'm not really comfortable here and I'd rather be back home sooner than later to get settled for school. This totally ticks me off. What do I decide? I guess I'll cross the bridge when I get there - I haven't been given an official offer to stay. And even then, maybe it could only be a few more months. I don't want to get home in August and go to school in September. There's quite a few things to do inbetween now and then. Speaking of which, I really need to look at registering for school and deciding what to take. I'm thinking maybe two or three general courses. Something history, something graphic design, something marketing. Perhaps. I can't believe I still don't know what I want to do with myself.
And what else happened this week? Oh, I got a letter stating that I have 10 days to clear up my BC health debt before the government sends a collection agency to get me. And yes, that's the debt I settled a WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS. The letter was dated January 4th. I phoned and talked to a lady that confirmed that I indeed did not have anything owing on my account. Something about the "re-adjustments" happening "recently". Ok, no big deal. Then a day or two later, I get another letter. This one from Revenue Canada says they'll be taking money off my income tax returns if I don't settle before then. I'm apparently have this whole thing settled. I really, really hope that's the case.
Not such a fun week. I could use another two or three days off, I think.
Okay, so what kinda good news is on the horizon? BSG THIS WEEKEND! w000000t!
And after that? Heroes! Yaaaaaay!
And then there's The Office, which is also friggin' awesome.
I'm not that fond of Scrubs. I may or may not start watching Lost again.
Anything else...? I've had a bit of a sweet-tooth this week. So I bought 18 small "Buttermilk" doughnuts. And a 12-pack of root beer. And a pie. I guess I'm a bit of a glutton. But in my defense, the pie is for everyone at work. I plan on bringing it on the 24th (That's the most depressing day of the year, apparently).
And I browsed some art last night. For a few hours. I guess it inspired me to actually draw something.
More of a few sketches/doodles than anything else. I spent probably 2-3hrs between the lot of 'em. The face on the right looks like a man. I think it's something with the jaw or mouth that makes her look like a monkey or ape. I really like the style where you can see the individual strokes. I dunno why I did it in low contrast greys, but I guess it looks okay. The top left is my favourite. And they're all from reference, of course (What do you think I am? Talented or something?) But overall I'm kinda impressed with myself.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go chillout. I think I'll try some BF2142...
It's really good to hear your voice
Saying my name, it sounds so sweet
Coming from the lips of an angel
Hearing those words it makes me weak
And I,
Never wanna say goodbye
But girl you make it hard to be faithful
With the lips of an angel
Hinder - Lips of an Angel
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