Sunday, January 10, 2010

Good Day Sunshine

Started classes this Thursday. Humanities seems like it'll be alright - I think getting up at 6:30 for the early classes will be alright. It allows me to work all day Wednesday. Drawing class... I'm not so sure about yet. The way it's structured, there's one in-class assignment and then a take-home assignment. The problem is that I only have one thing going for me when it comes to drawing - I can put lots of time in at home, and work hard to get it done well. Within the confines of a single day, though, it puts on a lot of pressure and doesn't leave me a lot of time to fine-tune a piece. Then I had History... Last semester, I had a prof that was very bright, who gave entertaining but fast-paced lectures (it was really tough to take notes). This semester is pretty much the opposite. I don't want to say my prof is dumb - he seems like an intelligent, nice guy, but... He doesn't seem to be too sharp, and talks really slowly. It's quite the gear-change. I hear he marks easily, though.

This week I'll have Jewelry and Colour Theory, in addition to those above. I know the latter has expensive materials (I just spent $130 on PAINTS), and it's probably safe to say Jewelry ain't gunna be cheap either. Bah. I do have a lot of supplies from last semester, and I hope they'll save me some pennies here and there.

I don't know anyone in my drawing class, and it sucks. I really took having someone to talk to in a studio class for granted.

Speaking of which, you know all that work I did over the break to improve my drawing? I'll admit it - I knew I wasn't anything special, but I was feeling a lot more capable about things. All that confidence evaporated within the first 20mins of that drawing assignment. What an alarming sensation, to feel so inadequate all of the sudden. Between that and the time constraints, it was a pretty painful class.

One of the things that really bothered me about the busy Fall semester was that I gave up my sketch-a-day. I really really really hate committing to something and then letting it slide. Fortunately, if I count the pages I've used up in my physical sketchbooks I met 365 sketches for 2009. I ain't gunna scan them, because, you know, that'd take forever. But I feel kinda good that I was able to keep up a certain degree of regular, extra-curricular drawing. Don't ask me what this year will hold, though.

We've been having a chinook over the past few days, with temperatures up to 5c/40f. I forgot what driving without winter gloves was like. Truly one of the simple pleasures in life.

Today I finished up my drawing homework, went to church, cleaned my room, did some laundry, and then played my sax and ocarina for an hour or two. The last one was everything I hoped it would be. Short of having an actual band to play with, it couldn't have been more satisfying. Anyways, it makes me feel like a normal, well-rounded individual. I wish things could stay like this, as if I led some sort of balanced life. But school kicks off in earnest tomorrow, back to the real grind. The only thing I think I can do this semester to improve things is make a hard rule not to work any more than 20hrs a week. I dunno what kind of difference that'll make though.

Well, it's been a good day, but it's pretty much a calm before the storm. I just hope I can really jump back into the mind frame and habit of doing homework all the time. That transition might be tough.

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll wrap up good day with a quick walk before bed. One last treat.

ZERO Team - Gerudo Valley

1 comment:

Frank said...

Good luck, bud. Chinooks. Pffttt... We call those things "Old People Killers." It was 36 this morning.