Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Sweet Desperation

There's something beautiful in the desperation of a 1AM car repair. The way that that a ratchet echoes off a street full of sleeping houses. How the hand fumbles through a maze of machinery to see what the amber street lights decline to illuminate. Trying to peer through foggy breath at that contorted collection of wires as the fingers, crisp with freezing winter air, strain to ensure that a screw won't fall and sink to the bottom of night's abyss. The effort to try what can be done, the precious little that can be done, in hopes that it'll make that magic difference. The way that this last valiant effort to redeem the day by accomplishing something of use is rejected by the fates. How that familiar 'clack' of the lock fortifies a car, as if it would prevent a would-be thief from eloping with a machine that refuses to start in the first place. Numb digits grasping up belongings from the curb and groping for the house key. A trudge up the path, through the front door, and into Tomorrow.

Tangerine Dream - Tomorrow Never Knows

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