Saturday, May 26, 2012

Flow of Cash

So, I just bought a new camera. Er, I'm in the process of buying a new camera. You see, a coworker of mine was selling his Canon 40D plus two lenses, some filters, a case, a battery pack, and other accessories. So I thought to myself, "Hrm, I really would love to get a DSLR, especially after using the one at work." We have a 60D there, which is mighty fine. The 40D isn't quite as fancy, but as a total and complete amateur, the 40D will probably be more than enough for a looooong time. The whole deal came to $1400. Which, if you haven't noticed, is a good chunk of money. Especially for someone who still has a year of school left. So I hummed and I hawwed over it. And what it boiled down to is... It's not a toy or some frivolous expense. It's more of an investment in something I know will last me a long time. So after a lot of hesitation and encouragement from various friends, I jumped on it. And I'm currently paying for it in chunks over two months. It's a really nice unit - I've really enjoyed using it so far. I do, of course, feel totally guilty about it. It's not necessary. I'll just use it for a tertiary-level hobby, even. I don't need it. Bleh. But I agreed with the gentleman, so now it's a done deal. Kinda stupid of me to buy it, in many ways, but... Hopefully it'll work out.

I tried to use it to shoot some self-portraits, which is something I never do. They turned out terribly, and will probably never see the light of day again.

My uncle purchased a used Nexus S for me while he was down in San Fransisco this last week. I'm currently using a very old and tired G1, and I think it may be time to get something that's a bit more... Usable. It's speaker was broken (and for being a phone, this is kind of a big problem), so it was temporarily returned for repairs before it gets shipped up here. It'll cost me $230.

After a lot of pressure from all sorts of angles, I'll be taking a vacation with my brother. We're going to drive down the Oregon coast for a bit, and hit up Seattle and Portland along the way. That'll cost me about $500.


$1400 + $230 + $500 + = $2130

That's a big chunk of change. Add in there the New York trip I took this spring (another $1500ish), a Coldplay ticket ($100) and things get even more scary.

Sigh. What's happening to me? What happened to all my resolve to not spend any more than $50 a month on unnecessary pursuits? This is getting pretty scary, and almost out of hand. I still have a year of school left - I can't bugger this up now. Go go gadget self-discipline...

Air - Space Maker

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