Sunday, June 02, 2013

My Weekend: Crystal Meth and Pants

I started watching Breaking Bad this week, and I'm already on season 3. I'm not sure if such a thing is possible, but I think I may overdose if I'm not careful.


After re-reading that sentence, I've realized what an amusing/punny it is. Strictly non-intentional, I assure you.

In any case, yes, the show is good. But just like how watching a train derail is exciting - it's horrific and terrible, but you just can't take your eyes away. The show is wildly dark and downright depressing. It seems like a race to the bottom, to see how far and hard these characters can fall. Thank goodness it wasn't quite as bad as the first few episodes... I don't think I could've kept going if it kept up that pace. At this point (early season 3), though, I'm having a rough time staying invested in the show. Sure, the plot is pretty suspenseful... But I've run out of characters to root for or be emotionally invested in. Just seems like they're all turning into terrible people, and I'm fairly certain nothing is going to work out well in the end.

And watching so much in such a short time definitely does things to my brain. The moods and thematic tones seem to seep into my stream of consciousness. Things all of the sudden are feeling a lot more bleak. I won't lie, part of me is looking forward to finishing the show. One part to see how it's resolved, one part to not have to watch any more depressing/dark people do non-redeemable things, and one part to just be done. As if it's something on a list I need to get out of the way. Ugh, that's another problem in and of itself.

On a less depressing note, shopping. It's a thing. A thing which I dread in all its forms. Particularly clothing.

This week I went through my closet, and donated six of my eight pairs of pants to charity, because they didn't really fit me that well. This was partly due to losing some weight while I was in school, and partly due to the fact that I was terrible at buying properly fitting clothes. I also threw out two pairs of pants due to (literal) wear and tear. So I dropped off my donated clothes, and promptly went to go get more, mostly because at that point I had no more than two pairs of pants to my name. I'm no fashion/clothes-o-holic by any stretch of the imagination, but I know that that number was fairly unsustainable.

So I went and spent more on clothing than I probably have in the last year, maybe year and a half combined. Four pairs of pants, and because of the money-spending hysteria I had placed myself in (mostly likely due in part to having two consecutive and full paychecks), I also got two hats and a shirt. Why hats? In the last two months, I lost my last cap to public transit and my fedora to private (air) transit. Both decided they needed me no further in their quest to do further travelling, and declined to come with me once I had left the respective vehicles.

Anyways. Clothes shopping. I hates it. Especially for having oddball measurements, it's not fun. Those four pairs of pants probably took me a solid 2.5hrs to figure out.

But now, luckily, it's all done. And I shall go on with life. In a full clothed manner, no less.

Blue Man Group - Shirts and Hats

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