So late on Sunday I ordered a part from Amazon I needed to complete a car repair. I threw in a ping pong paddle so that I a) got free shipping and b) didn't have to keep using a decrepit communal bat when I play at work.
Then on Tuesday, something strange happened. A package came for me. And it was not from Amazon (oddly enough, that one came the next day. Three day service for free shipping ain't nothin' to sneeze at). It was brown. It had "Bespoke Post" written on the side, with "Frontier" on the tape holding the lid closed.
I had no idea what it was, who it was from, or why my name is on the shipping label. And the thing is, I still don't.
Inside the package was a fountain pen, old school pocket knife, cast iron bottle opener, and a nice notebook. They're all wonderful of wonderful quality, and even though the whole package is incredibly hipster-tastic, I was really impressed. After doing some research, I found out the package is worth about $55 and sent from a US company.
What really gets me, though, is how there wasn't a single clue as to who sent it to me. No note. Nothing on the shipping label. I asked around, and none of my friends, family, or coworkers will fess up to being the culprit of spontaneous kindness. My boss suggested it was a free sample, as I'm an art director at a marketing firm. Alas, upon reaching out to the company, they told me they were not able to disclose who had made the purchase.
So now I have this brown box sitting on my desk, full of great little objects I'm hesitant to use. I wish I knew who it was from. I like the contents, I want to keep them. But it just doesn't feel right delving in if they're surrounded by mystery and I can't appreciate the person behind the gesture.
At its worst, it could be from a certain someone that won't leave me alone despite my wishes (and several demands) that they never have anything to do with me again. If I find out that's indeed the source, I'll have no choice but to return the items in perfectly unused conditions.
At its best, I've done something someone has appreciated and is thanking me for. I'm okay with that. I just wish I could thank them in return.
So the beautiful brown box shall continue to sit.
I hate mysteries.
Sonic Escape - Circle the Sea
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