Saturday, February 21, 2009

An open letter to Codemasters

Dear the Fine Folks at Codemasters,

It was many moons ago that I was extremely bored and felt a need for a racing game. So I downloaded the GRID demo and was immediately hooked. I bought the game on Steam that very same day and have since played it for way more hours than is probably healthy. I never expected to find an all-time favourite IP/franchise in a racing sim, but there it was. I had no idea how crappy games like the Need for Speed series actually are. I love Grid. It's excellent. The problem, though, is that I have an unquenchable thirst for more... And there hasn't been any word on when the 8-Ball expansion will coming to the PC. It arrived on consoles a while ago... Why don't we PC gamers get any love? Has it been cancelled for the platform? Do you just not care any more? We had something special. Where did that go? Was it something I did? Something I said? Just give me another chance baby, you know I'm not like that!

I will most definitely be keeping my eyes on DIRT 2 - I don't generally enjoy rally/offroad racing, but if it's being done by the same people on the same engine I'm already sold. Yet it still doesn't change the fact that I would truly cherish some more content for GRID. Common, I'll be your best friend forever. I promise.

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