Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dedicated, not too skilled, or just plain stupid?

I spent 8hrs on Tuesday, at school when there wasn't any class, working on half of a colour chart. The best part? It looks terrible. I could just keep going. I coulda/shoulda restarted it from square one. But at some point, you just gotta walk away. But it raises the question: Am I dedicated to my work, particularly bad at what I'm doing, or just plain dumb? A bit of all three, I believe.

Anyways, I got about 70% of my school work done. Which is a lot less (30%) than I wanted. It's been a terrible week, and today has been a complete write-off. I get distracted so easily. I've sorely neglected my BIG drawing project (hooray for not even starting my roughs), and I've been putting off studying for my history midterm. Sigh. And the week is over in three and a half hours. I need to make lunch for tomorrow and get everything ready. Look at what happens - cut me a little slack and grant me a bit of free time and all my self discipline disappears. I end up indulging in all these tiny distractions, and wasting tons of time I could've spent on (if not something productive) something significantly fun I usually don't get to do.

I did manage to play a bit of Bad Company 2, which was nice. And I worked a bit. I don't really have anything else to show for my break. Pretty pathetic.

Oh, I know. I did a challenge. A self-portrait done on the computer, that needed to have the process recorded and made into a timelapse video. Long story short, the video I recorded was corrupted, and was near impossible to edit and render. I ended up spending WAY too much time trying to get it to work, which I finally did (even though 30% of the content had to be cut):

I shoulda just walked away and moved on to other things instead of undergoing the tedious process of getting it to work. So again I ask - dedicated, not too skilled, or just plain stupid?

Back to the grind.

Rainy day people always seem to know when you're feeling blue
High stepping strutters who land in the gutters sometimes need one too
Take it or leave it, or try to believe it
If you've been down too long

Gordon Lightfoot - Rainy Day People

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