Sunday, September 11, 2011

And Into the Breach

Ok, so. Two things. First off, I want to try to keep posting once a week while I'm still in school. I'll probably be brief and sporadic and borderline nonsensical, but I want to keep going. Second, it has come to attention that I use this blog to complain. Like, a lot. And I want to try stepping away from that direction, so that I'm less of a whiner. "Weh weh, life is so tough for meeeee." You know what? Everyone has their demons, I'm no exception, and as a result that doesn't make any of my woes noteworthy. So I'll try and throttle that back for a time. I can't say how successful I'll be or how long it'll last, but I'll do what I can.

This is going to be one of those short posts. My weekend kinda disappeared into a cloud of regrettable time management. I got done over two and a half days what should've taken me a solid afternoon to take care of. Bleh. I really gotta clamp down and get things done. It seems like the semester is taking off where the last one left off. There's none of this "I'm waiting for things to really get started" crap. It sucks, sure, but I just need to stay focused and I'll be fine. I'm a bit apprehensive about some other odds and ends I want to maintain while I'm still in school, but what happens will happen.

Part of this mismanagement stemmed from Friday evening, where I spent a solid hour watching highlights from Whose Line Is It Anyways on YouTube. As a whole, it was time very well wasted. I haven't laughed so thoroughly in a while. Felt good.

So first week of school in review... Intro to Digital Technology has me working on some HTML and CSS. The prior I'm fairly familiar with, to the point of near-boredom, but I've known very little of CSS before taking this course. We won't be hand-coding things for long, but I've thoroughly enjoyed getting my hands dirty and coming to understand the kind of power that CSS represents. I've become fairly excited for this course. Mind you, it's quite something else to be taking my first HTML course since Info Tech waaaay back in high school. It's interesting to see how abstract and completely foreign it is to some members of my class. Others already know it, and some who haven't touched it before are able to pick it up quite naturally. It's a pretty wide spectrum of skill. Kind of a neat thing to witness, for the sake of perspective.

Other classes. Working on some sort of chart poster thing in Information Design. The assignment outline isn't very vague, the prof didn't do a much better job of explaining it, and to seal the deal, this is a new assignment and therefore there aren't any samples. I'm quite confused. I think I have a (rather absurd) direction I want to pursue, but I really don't know if I'm on target at all.

In Advertising... It's the same as where I left off last year. Doing ads. This one is for the charity group Oxfam, and I need to address one of the issues they're tackling as well as feature how this particular organization is unique/effective/awesome. It's this duality that I'm struggling with. I'm having problems coming up with an elegant solution, let alone generating a solid amount of rough ideas. The inspiration, she will not come.

And then there's Typography. I understand the assignment, I really do... I just can't get the stars to align. The project requires us to take random objects and write sentences that reflect that kind of mark making said object produces. I was hoping to make some sort of semi-coherent series, and my objects aren't producing the range of effects I'd like. Frustrating.


On a social note, I forgot my earbuds one day at school. It was... Painful. I had nothing to hide behind for the day, and was subjected to overhearing the conversations of a loud, nearby table. I have nothing against the people themselves, it was just obvious that we have very different outlooks on life. It was lots of nattering about people's social lives, and some terrible jokes, and generally lots of laughing/giggling as a gaggle of young women tend to do. Again, nothing against them... It's just not my thing, and would have rather taken my mind somewhere else for a time.

So that's it for now. I'm going to bed. I'm going to have a productive day tomorrow, dammit. I'm going to get caught up on some homework during and after class, so that I'll go to go to bed at the end of the day feeling like I made a good use of the previous 24 hours. That's the idea, at least.

Ronald Jenkees - Stay Crunchy (YouTube version)

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