Sunday, September 25, 2011

No Reckognition in Their Eyes

Hrm... I have no idea what to say for myself tonight. I've been slacking a bit over the last week, having a hard time focusing and working. I gotta get my game in gear. This week has been a gong-show of appointments and scheduling, and with some nasty assignments coming up, it would've been nice to know when and where I should be. Bleh. This week will be better right?

Unfortunately for me, last week's Porsche adventure has started to fade depressingly fast into one long blur of surreal sensations. Not so much exact details as feelings. I guess it was such an intense experience that I was crushed under a sense of wonder and thrill, blocking out room for specific bits of information. It'll still put a smile on my face, for sure, but it's kinda sad how fast it's turned into a giant smudge against the wall of my memory. I'm really glad I wrote that last post so soon after it happened, though. Something tells me that I'll be flipping back to re-read it on a semi-regular basis.

Someone from my class finally got sick of me not being on Facebook, and created an account for me. He then proceeded to add some friends for me... And before I knew it, I had accumulated just shy of 50 new contacts, without sending out a single request myself. Most of the people are mere acquaintances, and some of which I don't even know at all. Why did they accept the request in the first place? 'Tis one of the mysteries of Facebook, I suppose. Being the way I am, 'Friend' is a term I don't throw around lightly. And, if it were to stay accurate to my interpretation of the word, I'd probably have less than 10 contacts. But it's not. I just need to accept Facebook for what it is: a networking tool. As is, I don't really log in unless I get an email notification that says someone's directly interacting with me. We'll see. I'm still not too excited by the privacy shinanigans, but I figure there's nothing to be worried about if there's nothing there in the first place. Right now I'm rockin' a bare-bones profile. And, thanks to the friend who set up my account, for some reason I graduated from a highschool I never attended and am currently attending a school on the other side of the country. I'm not feeling inclined to fix it. Yet, anyways. One thing I gotta say, though, is that Facebook has a really... Not very intuitive interface. Maybe I'm getting too old for this kinda stuff or something, but it takes me an unusually long time to find the most basic options/features. Gotta say, I'm much more impressed with Google Plus so far.

What else... I totally fluked out on my first Typography assignment. My critique went pretty well. Truth be told, I had been fighting with it all week long, until I kinda just gave up and ran with the front-runner. I feel lucky - it may have well as been someone else who made it. You know, that kind of a situation where you know it wasn't your knowledge or skill that got you through, just a matter of the Assignment Gods choosing to smile down on you, in their infinite whimsy.

Typography III, Project 1 - Mark Making - IMG_8863 
If you were to click through on that image, you'd see the description/rationale that I presented with the piece in class. The other meaning to it, though, was to reflect how I was feeling. I felt like I didn't know what I was doing, and I was getting frustrated. Venting that into the final piece felt really good, even if I was the only person to know it.

Anyways, I'm going to go to bed. I've been feeling pretty exhausted all week, and if I have any hope of surviving the next round of classes I'll need whatever I can get.

Sometimes there’s a part of me
Has to turn from here and go
Running like a child from these warm stars
Down the seven bridges road

The Eagles - Seven Bridges Road

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