Things are goin' alright, you know? I've been working full time for a year now. I usually work late, but who can complain about that when you can expense dinner, and you know, you're working at a job you like? I even play ping pong in the basement over the lunch. I'm having fun, most days. I'm driving to and from work in a sport-ish car with a phat subwoofer in the trunk. I have a hot red sports car I drove over the summer, with an oil leak under the hood. I live in a bit of an underground lair, which is cold and dark. But it's the right size, and it's mine. I get to cook my own meals when and how I please.
I'm making some money, and saving it for vacations and entertainment. I have the odd freelance project, which I use to make money and save even more. I'm taking mandolin lessons. I suck, and the progress is slow, but that's how such things go. I have a beefy computer that (when it isn't randomly crashing) gets around 100FPS in GTA Online. That number's just ridiculous.
I got friends and family I care for and care for me. I even got a girlfriend, for all the challenge, confusion, and general wonder that brings into my life. I sketch, I noodle on my ukulele at work, I listen to the autumn leaves crunch beneath my feet, and I chomp on home made sweet and sour pork. I go to the theatre to watch the odd movie, and go to the Netflix for most of everything else.
I think life's alright.
My mom made the quip on the phone about how just when you're starting to get settled, life will throw you just enough of a curve ball to catch you off balance. As John Lennon once sang, 'life's what happens when you're busy making other plans' (mind you, by that definition you could say that life is what ended up killing him). I think that's pretty accurate. Makes me wonder what's waiting for me just around the bend. Lose my job? Car get stolen? Sick family member? Makes me anxious on some level, but there's no use in sweating over hypotheticals. In the mean time, it's just steady as she goes.
Y'know, with the odd trip to New York thrown in.
I'm a lucky dude.
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