Monday, November 02, 2015

Inktober Over-ober

Whelp, I survived Inktober. I failed miserably if the endeavour was defined by "draw every day for October". I probably only drew on twenty of the thirty-one days, but by the end of the month I had managed to produce 31 sketches. I think that's called 'the spirit of the law', and I'm totally okay with that. It was good to make a point of drawing (almost) every day. I should keep going, but with all these small commitments (every day there's a bit of freelance, practicing mandolin, cooking, writing, cleaning, etc etc) I'm finding it harder and harder to do more. I'm sure my inner 18-year-old is rolling his eyes at me for not having the time or energy to stay on top of the arts. But I want to do more, dangit.


Lately I've been in a lazy funk. I've been slow at work and just want to do nothing once I'm home. Let my eyes glaze over with the endless waterfall of meaningless internet junk. But it's not very fulfilling, you know? I guess that's why I have those small commitments. I worry about being lazy and stagnating at life. But sometimes we just need to slow things down, right? That's how she goes.

Right now I'm playing Mass Effect for some reason. The original, that is. I want to play the new Batman and Mad Max game, but I'm waiting for them to go on sale to justify the purchase. I may get myself the new Battlefront title. The only way I can justify that honkin' $80 price tag (or $140, for all the extra DLC...) is to call it a birthday present to myself. I have a couple weeks yet to decide, though, and getting a freelance invoice paid would certainly make the decision easier. We shall see.

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