Thursday, November 19, 2015

Goldenish Rule

This has come up twice today, from two wildly different directions. But here it is:

Some days (most days) I wish I could make the official first commandment of all religions to be Thou shalt be groovy to each other.

Lately with the Paris thing, there've been lots of such discussion. And nothing will change, and this same kind of discussion will resurface again at the next religiously-driven atrocity. Yet it remains that many belief systems seem to outwardly focus on hating other people and their belief systems. Sexual orientation, political views, matters of faith all seem to be easily condemn-able material. Sometimes I wish people would focus more on how they can improve the world around them rather than worrying what others are doing/believing.

A lot of religions have rules, specific rules, as to how not be a dick. No stealing, so murdering, no cheatin', etc. The New Testament has some great general grooviness to it, what with "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you" and "what you do to these, the least of thine brothren, ye do unto me". I like those passages. A lot. But I guess because they're not explicitly part of the big shiny Ten Commandments they're automatically optional and can be pretended that they don't exist.

But is it really too much to ask for? That we just all try to be nice to eachother and realize that hey, if what the other person is doing doesn't harm anyone then more power to 'em.

That sure would be nice.

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