Sunday, November 22, 2015


My family was pretty broke when I was growing up. We'd eat out maybe four or five times a year. As a result, going to a restaurant (everything from a fast food drive thru to a proper sit-down meal) has always been a 'treat'. And that's still the case, somehow.

I usually budget $50 for eating out a month, but things at work over the last week have been pretty crazy, and the company gives us $15 for dinner if we're there late. So I'll work until 7-8 and grab food on my way home. I've eaten a lot of Subway, chinese, A&W, and such. It's strange, because staying late triggers in the back of my brain to go, "yeah, you get a treat!".

But at this point, I'm kinda sick of eating out. I'd rather just have the time to go home and eat something a bit simpler, and not have to ask for a receipt. I still want to eat out, though. It's a conflicting feeling. I'm getting more of it than I want, but the back of my head tells me I should have more. Bizzarre. It kinda makes me wonder if I'll ever be able to shake these associations, or if any kind of meal not cooked at home will always have a certain draw to it.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Goldenish Rule

This has come up twice today, from two wildly different directions. But here it is:

Some days (most days) I wish I could make the official first commandment of all religions to be Thou shalt be groovy to each other.

Lately with the Paris thing, there've been lots of such discussion. And nothing will change, and this same kind of discussion will resurface again at the next religiously-driven atrocity. Yet it remains that many belief systems seem to outwardly focus on hating other people and their belief systems. Sexual orientation, political views, matters of faith all seem to be easily condemn-able material. Sometimes I wish people would focus more on how they can improve the world around them rather than worrying what others are doing/believing.

A lot of religions have rules, specific rules, as to how not be a dick. No stealing, so murdering, no cheatin', etc. The New Testament has some great general grooviness to it, what with "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you" and "what you do to these, the least of thine brothren, ye do unto me". I like those passages. A lot. But I guess because they're not explicitly part of the big shiny Ten Commandments they're automatically optional and can be pretended that they don't exist.

But is it really too much to ask for? That we just all try to be nice to eachother and realize that hey, if what the other person is doing doesn't harm anyone then more power to 'em.

That sure would be nice.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dry Day at the Office

I got into work this morning, and come 10AM I head to the water cooler for my regular glass of cool water. Lo and behold, nothing. Apparently a water main had burst. Yeah, maybe I should've been tipped off that something was afoot by the city trucks out front, back, and along the side of the building.

But no water. Got so damn thirsty during the day and I was too cheap to go across the street and buy something from the 7-11. Especially if it's water - why would you pay for that? One of the most pervasive cons of our time.

Then I had to go to the bathroom. In the porta-potty outside in the parking lot. Thankfully it was near freezing out, so there wasn't quite the same odeur as usual. But that didn't keep my butt cheeks from getting cold, or having to use hand sanitizer alone afterwards.

The whole thing just put a weird, unsettling cramp on my day. I think it's technically against the provincial labour code to work in a place without running water. I can see why.

Although, it almost makes you wonder what it's like living in Africa.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Automotive Associations

This summer as I was in my 944 on the highway between Somewhere and Somewhere Else in BC, I passed a 911 driver going the other direction. He raised his hand out the window to me, and I waved back. Felt good, man. For a moment I felt like I was part of the Porsche Cool Club. It was oddly validating. The interesting thing, though, is that the other driver was part of a procession of some ~20 Porsches flying past, and was the only one to acknowledge me (in all my lowly 944 glory). To go one step further, he's been about the only other Porsche driver to offer a friendly gesture in the whole year I drove the car.

About a week after buying the Prelude, as I was walking out to it after work and thought to myself, "Damn, this thing looks like a boy racer/rice rocket". I was kinda dismayed. Yes, it drove nice and was comfortable and all that, but I realized it totally associates me as a try hard/tuner crowd wannabe.

Here's the thing though: in the two months I've had it, I've had about 4-5 friendly encounters with other Prelude drivers. A thumbs up, wave, nod... They seem like cool cats.

So maybe I'm not so fancy no more, but it's neat to be part of a Friendly Club for once.

Car culture is strange.

Monday, November 09, 2015

Repetitive Pix

I just uploaded 31 photos to Flickr. Of those, about 28 are of my car. Of those, about 20 are nearly identical.

In September I resurrected a dormant tradition to pack up the camera, charge the iPod, fill up on gas, and just go for a drive on Labour Day weekend to wherever I think might be interesting. It started as a way to calm the nerves before another year of school, but these expeditions to wherever I thought might be neat were also a great way to just blast some tunes and enjoy what was left of the summer's driving weather. 

This year, though, I pretty much knew I had to park my 944 for the winter. Considering that can last 6-8 months and an alarming oil leak, I had some worries niggling at the back of my mind as to whether or not I'd get to go on any such drive again in this wonderful(ly maddening) machine of mine.  Just in case my Porsche affair was coming to an end, I figured I'd document the hell out of the thing.

So, yes, I've uploaded an embarrassing amount of seemingly uninspired and repetitive photos. But I like to think of it as a bit of a love letter, too. Every day I drove it, my 944 made me smile. And at the end of those days as I walk from the driveway towards the house, I had to look back over my shoulder and smile. 


I don't know what comes next, but I sure as hell am glad I did the stupid thing and bought a 30-year old entry-level Porsche. I mean, just look at it.


Sunday, November 08, 2015

Things to Do (Get Off My Ass Edition)

Hard to believe we're already knee-deep in November. The weeks seem to be passing by alarmingly fast these days, and the end of the year is barreling up pretty quick. Kind of a subtle reminder that I need to get (and keep) my ass in gear to accomplish the things I want to.

Thing 1: RMA'd my video card, after being unable to replicate a system hang on a borrowed card. Alas, the problem persists. Next up, need to try a different power supply. Hopefully I can figure this out in time for year-end sales, so I can pick up whatever part I need.

Thing 2: Second-a-day videos. Have to do a few more to catch up, and then start making the grand video.

Thing 3: Needa see a dentist before my yearly insurance allowance disappears.

Thing 4: Wayyyy back on the Labour Day weekend I went for a drive and took some pictures. I have to finish editing them and put them up. I've been chipping away and am about 4-5 from being done.

Thing 5: I decided I want to make a Christmas Card, I think. That gives me about a month to actually get it done if I want to mail them out on time. Need to figure out what it's going to be/look like.

On the plus side, this weekend I finished sealing up my windows, ordered new glasses, and got an oil change. Three more things crossed off the list. Work's been pretty draining lately, though, and I've been crashing pretty hard once I get home. Need to stay on top of things.

Side note: Out of boredom (and laziness), I finally installed and played Mass Effect. I think I bought it about 4-5 years ago on Steam sale, and just beat it a few days ago. Good story and solid gameplay, save for a few minor frustrations. I'll tack ME2 and 3 onto my 'to watch list'. I', probably going to get Battlefront if the reviews are decent and a couple key people enjoy it, but when the year-end Steam sale comes around I'll see if I can pick up Mad Max, Arkham Knight, and Rebel Galaxy if they're on decent sale. Those should last me a little while.

Mind you, now that ME1 is out of the way and I have nothing interesting to play until Battlefront, I should have the time and boredom I need to start chipping away at those Things. Particularly the Christmas card. I should get crackin' on that one.

Monday, November 02, 2015

Inktober Over-ober

Whelp, I survived Inktober. I failed miserably if the endeavour was defined by "draw every day for October". I probably only drew on twenty of the thirty-one days, but by the end of the month I had managed to produce 31 sketches. I think that's called 'the spirit of the law', and I'm totally okay with that. It was good to make a point of drawing (almost) every day. I should keep going, but with all these small commitments (every day there's a bit of freelance, practicing mandolin, cooking, writing, cleaning, etc etc) I'm finding it harder and harder to do more. I'm sure my inner 18-year-old is rolling his eyes at me for not having the time or energy to stay on top of the arts. But I want to do more, dangit.


Lately I've been in a lazy funk. I've been slow at work and just want to do nothing once I'm home. Let my eyes glaze over with the endless waterfall of meaningless internet junk. But it's not very fulfilling, you know? I guess that's why I have those small commitments. I worry about being lazy and stagnating at life. But sometimes we just need to slow things down, right? That's how she goes.

Right now I'm playing Mass Effect for some reason. The original, that is. I want to play the new Batman and Mad Max game, but I'm waiting for them to go on sale to justify the purchase. I may get myself the new Battlefront title. The only way I can justify that honkin' $80 price tag (or $140, for all the extra DLC...) is to call it a birthday present to myself. I have a couple weeks yet to decide, though, and getting a freelance invoice paid would certainly make the decision easier. We shall see.