Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Something for the sake of something

Blink, blink, blink says the flashing cursor. I feel like I should write something, but I'm not sure what.

Went to Mexico with the girlfriend and had a splendid assortment of adventures. I could recount all that... But I think it's already been documented in my Twitter feed. Upon getting back, my skin has gone all to hell, which sucks. Got lots of freelance logos to be working on. Been reading the Dark Tower series.

My place is a mess - I just spent 10 minutes sorting through a stack of old auto insurance documents. In another corner of the room, I have a tub of motorbike parts. I've been procrastinating the purchase of a carburetor refurb kit, because I worry that I'll botch the repair. Then I have boxes of stuff - books, old toys, clothes - that I need to dispose of somehow. At least I sold the Prelude. Not to get rid of the rims.

Following a Steam sale, I've been playing Shadow of War. It's alright. Despite the layers of detail and game mechanics they've piled on, it somehow feels a bit soulless. And yet I can't put it down, because of some stupid drive to get it finished.

Maybe this is all just a bit of a post Christmas season/Mexico vacation slump where I'm coming back to reality and realizing I had abandoned it in a bit of a cluttered state. I'm looking forward to getting back to the grind, in a way. There's something to be said for the 4/4 rhythm of daily life.

Well this was unsatisfying.

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