Monday, May 27, 2019

I Hate Politics

I really, really hate the argument that "You need to go out and vote, because if you don't, you're disrespecting all those who died for your country." So much so that I'm writing about it unprompted by any type of inciting incident.

How does it disrespect the soldiers? Are we obligated to respect someone's beliefs if they die for it? Do we need to take their values as our own? Did those soldiers actually die to protect the freedom of their country? What if they joined the military for other reasons? What about fighting a war in another country on another continent protects our own form of government? How exactly were they defending my rights or freedoms?

If we have the right to do something, are we obligated to do it? Is the right to vote different from all our other chartered rights and freedoms? Should we be morally obligated to do those too? What's the point of voting for something you're knowingly ignorant or indifferent about? Isn't not casting a vote its own indication of your political preference and/or priority?

I could beat this around all day, but alas, work beckons to me. Perhaps I'll come back to this again when voting time is near.

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