Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Old Familiar Score

While I was in school, I had a bit of a mantra that matched my current state of being. It took the form of a Beatles' lyric (as such things tend to do) that went:

I'm so tired
I haven't slept a wink
I'm so tired
My mind is on the blink

Never mind the rest of the song. Even though I never had to do an all-nighter (which is something I'm  kinda proud of, by the way), there were many late nights. And aside from physical rest, my mantra was expressing a general state of mental exhaustion for going, going, going on school and homework and workwork without much respite.

Have you ever had one of those weeks that just drags on forever? Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've had one of those that lasted five years.

The other day, I was getting a ride to work with a friend when I'm So Tired came through his stereo. I had the sudden realization that it's been a looooooong time since those familiar opening lines had crossed my mind. It was like running across an old friend that, quite frankly, you didn't really miss all that much in the first place.

It was a liberating feeling to know that I was past that part in my life. A good reminder of how much better things are than they were.

It seems to me I've heard that song before
It's from an old familiar score I know it well, that melody

It's funny how a theme recalls a favorite dream
Dream that brought you so close to me

I know each word because I've heard that song before
The lyrics said, "Forevermore" Forevermore's a memory

Vera Lynn - I've Heard That Song Before

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