Sunday, October 18, 2015


I won't lie, on some deep-down level I enjoy troubleshooting computer problems. Most of the time it's a logic-driven process that requires research and deliberate problem solving. And yes, the rest of time it's just an utterly maddening process that defies all reason or common sense.

But usually, it's pretty straight forward. Error logs, drivers, OS updates, disabling features. Unfortunately, at some point you run into a wall where there's nothing else you can do but start swapping out hardware in order to narrow it now. Thing is, it's not like you just happen to have a spare video card or power supply sitting around. Let alone one that's compatible with the rest of the possible culprits.

If I were an entrepreneur (and a dumb one at that), I'd start a business where I loan out components for people to troubleshoot their systems. It would, of course, go bust in short order (I'm guessing there aren't a whole lot of DIY computer folks out there, never mind the fact that PCs are in decline). But at least then you could pay $5 to borrow a video card for a couple days instead of purchasing one brand-new and paying a ridiculous restocking fee for returning it.

Anyways. After lucking out and borrowing a video card, I think I've managed to conclude that mine has been the source of some random hanging. I've even gotten the gears turning on an RMA (yaaay EVGA). Alas, I have a sneaking suspicion that my PSU might yet be the culprit. I really hope it's the video card, because I'm not sure where I can borrow a power supply from...

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