Sunday, December 06, 2015

Ballin' the Jack

Apparently Samurai Jack is going to be renewed in the new year. This news had approximately zero impact until I had several people point out to me how awesome the original series. So I figured I'd take it for a spin and would try it out. I was pleasantly surprised; it has a pretty unique premise and the art direction is FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC. It's quite beautiful to watch, and has a simple and catchy illustration style. That said, the timing and pacing is a bit strange sometimes. I get the feeling they have about eight minutes of content that they need to switch out to fill up 20. Sometimes it's nice that they can take things slow, but most of the time I just find it a bit of a grind. Especially fights - they seem to just go on too long somehow.

At this point I'm early in the second season, but I'll be happy to keep watching. It's a light and fun show, and it's nice to have on while I tackle other things. 

In other news, Christmas shopping, work is busy, and drawing. I'm looking forward to getting some time off soon.

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