Monday, August 07, 2017

Living is hard

Gotta do good at your job. Stay close with family. Make time for friends. Cherish your parents? Don't forget to call home regularly.

Gotta save for retirement, and invest, and make some cash on the side. Gotta find some other little gigs to stay busy and get even more of that extra cash. It's the only way to stay on top of things.

Need to learn. Learn to be good at a hobby, or learn some skills that'll be actually helpful. Don't forget to practice those crappy skills you have right now. I'm looking at you, musical instruments.

Need to be a loving and better partner to that certain someone. Gotta plan their birthdays, and figure out good gifts so that they feel appreciated. Need to eat better, or at least just eat less. Physical activity? Physical activity.

Gotta take care of what you got. Do that oil change, mop the floors, tighten the screws on that handle, keep the car washed. Fix that dumb fender. And then what... Keep the car or sell the car? Neither seem particularly appealing.

And how about those special life experiences? Take the road trip, book the vacation, see that concert. Don't forget to take some pictures along the way, lest these things blow away like that stack of papers you forgot on the roof of the car.

Keep your mind sharp, somehow. Some days it feels like I'm leaving more and more on top of the car.

What am I doing? How do I get ahead? Do I even have to get ahead? How do you define a 'full life', and what happens if you don't have one?

I'm at a family reunion right now. There are people from all across the spectrum, at different points in their lives. It's kind of overwhelming to see just how much there is to do, and how much of it I'm not on top of.

I saw a blog post from a guy that I knew in school; he's been working on his photography. He's been studying how to light objects and aiming to shoot every day. It's good to see him actively learning and pushing himself ahead.

And what am I doing? Not enough. Never enough.

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