Sunday, January 15, 2006

Just to check out the late-night record shop...

Well, how 'bout that. I got a blog here so that I can comment on a blog I'm following. He could've made it so that anyone could comment, but noooo... So I signed up, and figured I might as well keep my own blog at the same time for amusement's sake. We'll see where this goes.

In the mean time, this was a pretty good week for the few shows I follow. I really enjoyed Battlestar Galactica's space scene. I love they way the starfighters don't stick to the conventional means of movement (Always flying pointed forward). I was especially impressed with the way their strafing worked, it was much more effective and fun to watch than Star Wars and other such sci-fi battles. Lost was pretty good, Echo had a pretty cool backstory. I'm kind of sick with Charlie's haroin addiction plot, though. I think they've used it enough.

I can get a job I can pay the phone bills
I can cut the lawn, cut my hair, cut off my cholesterol
I can work overtime, I can work in a mine
I can do it all for you,
But I don't want to.

Barenaked Ladies - Enid

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