We're studying the process where you draw the basic core and bends of the shapes first and then expand to object outlines and then details. He put a bunch of crap together in the center (A chair, statue/manniquen, and various arms and limbs), but I think I got the worst possible angle. I could barely make sense of it in real life. But I did my best, and it turned out okay. I ran out of time, so some of the outlines are kinda weak in areas. And the arm on the bottom had a hand on it, but after 45mins working on it with no results, I chopped it off. Hense running short on time.
And holy crap, a SECOND arting?
I did this quickey Friday night, as I had a hankering to do something with colour. It's been stormy recently, so lightning seemed like something worth trying. The clouds look a bit too 2D and chaotic. The lighted grass looks okay. The parts I like best is the glow behind the lightning and the tree for the way it's lit and how it's being blown away. I tried to make the tree like the one I did a few drawings back. Oh well, I like it. Especially the colours.
In other news, the Honda died on me. In the left-hand lane. Of an intersection. During rush hour. While it was raining. A guy from the Minit Lube across the street helped me move it out of traffic, and let me use a phone to call me uncle. I was within spitting distance from the school, so I went ahead to the art class while he picked it up. All worked out. Sucky 20 minutes though.
If you're listening to this song
You may think the chords are going wrong
But they're not;
He just wrote it like that.
The Beatles - Only a Northern Song