I had to go to the campus at some point to get the paper (22x34"?! Holy crap, does that even exsist anywhere else?) during my lunch hour. I was gone for an hour and forty-five minutes. Okay, so the traffic was horrible. But driving around an unfamiliar large city wasn't the problem. The thing that sucked is that I got lost on campus. The campus where I was supposed to be, and the campus of the next door university. Ugh. Boy did I feel dumb when I went into the wrong bookstore and wondered why it was lacking art supplies... On a good note, though, I knew where to go for my class when it rolled around.
Anyhoo, things of note... I'm now Health Insured, although I still need to finish reading through the papers that came. Holly Brook's album is coming out this week, which I will most likely 'evaluate' before purchasing. FlatOut2 supposedly comes out this month, but videogame release dates tend to be one of the great mysteries in life (Seriously, the site has like three differant dates on it. Helpful...). I beat the new HL2 episode. What a killer game. It was short, yes, but DANG. The best looking graphics I have ever seen, smooth animations, and superb storytelling. Well worth the $20.
Besides that, well... There's nothing else to report. We're recording the Band of Brothers off of the History Channel, and me n' Rob plan on watching them. Also, Dave supposedly has a good connection for scoring some more Munchkin games. But he hasn't heard back from him yet. Argh. Oh well, at least I still have my Pantyhose of Giant Protection that I can ridicule Dave for not being able to have.
Paint the town
Take a bow
Thank everybody
You're gonna do it again
Are are the few, the proud
You are the antibody
Mind soul, and zen
And the world's a stage
And the world's a faze
And the end is near
So push rewind
Just in time
Thank anybody
You're gonna do it again
Smash Mouth - Then the Morning Comes
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