Saturday, May 05, 2007

Crash and BURN

I got a bike from the neighbour for a whopping $40. It's nothing special, a fixed-frame mountain bike with 16 gears or whatever. But with gas prices threatening to hit $1.40 this summer I figured it wouldn't hurt to get a bike commuting in addition to exercise. That, and I can hopefully beat Dave in the time it takes to bike to/from the office. I spent roughly 1/10th of what he has for a bike setup. I sure do miss my dual-suspension bike at home though...

Oh man, what a week at work. We practically spent the last five days doing nothing but the huge distributor order. We barely squeezed in enough time to do the day-to-day orders. Heck, I even had to get an extension on the ad that was SUPPOSED to be due on Friday. Buy boy, was yesterday hectic. The whole day was spent running back and forth, and we didn't even make the FedEx pickup. Pure insanity. But the dinner afterwards was nice. We were all so fried that we were making dumb jokes and having a good time.

On a side note, though, we had a really cute waitress. She was attractive and smart and funny. She's two years into some kinda biological-something course to get her into medicine. Talk about a job that doesn't meet her full potential. Don't get me wrong - she was an awesome waitress. You'd just figure she's capable of so much more. The scary thing is that she said she's almost 20. Makes me wonder where I'd be if I had gone right into college after high school. I'm pretty confident I've done the right thing by taking time off to work though. I think of found a bit more direction for my life over the past two years. Not that I have anything really figured out, but it's direction nonetheless. But back to the point: Cute waitress. I should've tried hitting her. But I didn't

Some days I just wish I wasn't so comfortable in this shell I've made for myself.

February 5th, Friday morning, purple dawn
Broke a yawn, as a I stepped through the fog, like I stepped to a song
A moment like a poem, you wish you could hold it
I shut my eyes like it's frozen, it's gone when I open
It slipped passed the clouds right there where it lingered
Like your band and a girl could slip through your fingers

Mat Kearney - Undeniable

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