Sunday, June 10, 2007

Productivity... Or lack thereof

"Okay," I tell myself, "I have 20 minutes to do a post before bed. Ready, GO!"

That was five minutes ago. These past few weeks, it's embarrassing how little I've been getting done in my spare time. I more often than not just find myself browsing the ever-so-ugly depths of Digg while checking in at Joystiq or CSNation every 45 minutes to break up the boredom. All the while, I should be drawing or photoshopping or something. Gah - I'll have to set a personal goal to only spend X amount of time on browsing the internet. And considering I don't really have any big or exciting games to play, there should be a heckuvalot more art-ish stuff going on. So how about I set some deadlines then:

Wed/Thurs - Post about movies I've seen over the past few weeks.
Before Fri - Draw something for Father's Day to send to my Dad. I'd get him an actual gift, but I'm a poor man.
Mon/Tue - Do end of month for my finances spreadsheet.
Before Fri - More work on the comic site - figure out how the buttons below the header will work.

There, that should do it for now. I also need to do more work on the pic for my grandparents, but that requires a bit of playing around yet.

This weekend I went out to a car lot and even took one for a spin. It was a '95 VW Cabrio. Cool little car - It doesn't handle quite as well as the CRX, but it's quite roomy and I LOVED the soft top. Too bad that the latter is the vehicle's downfall. It requires ~$1300 to replace the roof or the weather seals, so considering I'll be moving to where it rains a lot... Not a very wise idea. That's just asking for trouble. I bet my mom woulda liked it though...

I'm getting ever-so-stressed about this school thing. I can't believe it - I applied so early I now have to reapply. That SUCKS. Waste of $45, and I might lose $1900 worth in bursaries. Gah, I'm really starting to hate the idea of school. Sure, people tell me it's a must-do to progress in life, but... I've saved so hard over the past year and a half, and in less than that amount of time it'll all be out the door. I'm going into something that I know will make me as poor as a bucket. (Buckets are poor? Who knew...)

The best things in life are free
But you can give them to the birds and bees
I want money
That's what I want
That's what I want
That's what I want

Your love gives me such a thrill
But your love won't pay my bills
I want money
That's what I want
That's what I want
That's what I want

Flying Lizards - Money, That's What I Want

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