Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Wow, it has really been storming over the past... Two hours at least. Nonstop lightning, lots of rain, the whole nine yards. The rain came down so viciously at first that it flooded the road - You couldn't even tell where the storm drains were. An the lightning just keeps coming, it seems like there's a flash every minute or so. Some are close, some are far away, some are spectacular and some are weak. There's the odd one that'll flash so brightly and then when the thunder comes it's so strong you feel it in your gut. Ah, I love watching storms. That's one thing I wish they had more of back storm.

I've tried going on late-night walks before bed recently. Just a few times so far. I go out, really enjoy the music, and get some quality alone time. I was hoping it would help me sleep better - Go and get a bit of physical activity and have a chance to slow down the mind. Unfortunately, I've slept horribly after I've gone for walks. It's really too bad - I rather enjoy late-night strolls while I really get into some tunes. Oh well. It has made me realize something, though - I don't like living in the city. Everything smells like sweat. Human sweat, building sweat, car sweat. The "fresh" air doesn't smell so fresh when you're surrounded by so many unnatural odors. That, and the horizon has a fine greyish brown coating over it, making the sunsets incredibly less spectacular. Makes me realize how lucky I've been to live in either a small village or town for most of my life.

Oh, and I've been listening to Wisperings (solopianoradio.com) recently. Really nice music, nothing but a solo piano playing softer music. It's a really powerful instrument in the hands of a gifted player.

Sing us a song, you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well, were all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feelin' alright

Billy Joel - Piano Man


Anonymous said...

I love that Piano Man song. Good stuff. As for the walking in the evenings, maybe your body just needs to get used to the activity before bed. Or perhaps your harsh foray into slumber is brought on by other things.

Crilix said...

Yeah, I used to do this almost every night so I guess I have to get used to it again. It still kind of confuses me though, because I come back feeling rather relaxed and at peace. Then I go to bed and toss and turn and have strange dreams. But maybe you're right, and there's something else that's been keeping me uneasy at night.