Monday, January 07, 2008

Are you asking for a CHALLENGE?!

Frank slapped me around a bit with his digital glove, thereby challenging me to sketch once a day, or 365 sketches by the end of the year. I accepted, to get me off my lazy arse and get some arting done. Well, this all went down yesterday evening while he'd started right on the new year. This, of course, leaves me 7 sketches behind. I did five today, so I'm catching up. However, because of some of the limitations with the Allbrand image hosting, I went and got ye fine and basic Flickr account. You can view my 2008 Sketching Challenge set here.

I tried some drawing in Sketchbook Pro. It like it - a bit lighter and basic compared to Photoshop, which will suit me fine for the sake of sketching. I can't say I like the layer interface that much, but it isn't a huge deal. What is a huge deal, though, is that when drawing with my tablet the stroke appears slightly to the right of the cursor/crosshair. It makes detail somewhat difficult... No matter - I'll be getting a new(er) tablet soon from by uncle, which will replace my 12-year-old behemoth. Hopefully that'll work a wee bit better.

Other pieces of note... I watches the sixth part of Band of Brothers yesterday, the episode about the medic and nurse during the Battle of the Buldge. What an episode. It was so powerful, and even more depressing. I was really moved, even though I've watched the series once before.

Tomorrow I start school - I have two back-to-back classes (and I mean back-to-back. I Have 5 minutes to get out of class, cross the campus, and be ready for the next one) so I'll need to prep some supper or something. I may need to get a bigger backpack if I need to carry stuff for two classes plus a meal. Oh well, we'll see how things go.


I wonder why I'm slightly nervous.

There is a drug that cures it all
Blocked by the governmental wall
We are the scientists inside the lab,
Just waiting for the call
This earthquake weather has got me shaking inside
I'm high up and dry

The Last Goodnight - Pictures of You

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