Sunday, June 08, 2008


Yeah, so you know that beach jumping pic I did last week? Some creepy dude has been leaving some creepy comments on it's flickr page. They give me the jibblies. I wonder if I should delete them (the comments)...

Moving on - I bought Grid this weekend. I gotta say I'm becoming increasingly impressed with Steam. I downloaded the 12GB game over the course of 6 hours or so, with an average speed of 400-600 kb/s. I seldom ever get torrents going that fast. As for the game - it's awesome. The immersiveness is top notch, and the quality is excellent. For some reason, though, I'm having problems controlling the cars. I'm guessing it's me being used to the Need for Speed series, which is pretty simple and arcade-ish. Fun stuff though - fishtailing around San Fransisco street corners in a Boss Mustang is lots of fun.

And, I have to say - it's not often that I have a "whoa" moment from video games. The last one was probably double-jumping in Portal or watching the bridge explode at the beginning of Half-Life Episode 2. (Ok, so that was pretty recent, but it's been a while before that). And today I just had a significant "whoa" from Grid. I was racing on Le Mans, and had fallen far behind the pack to the point that the higher class cars were about to lap me. I look behind, and see some (F1?) cars in the distance. I go about my way, and a few seconds later I hear a whine. I was doing about ~250km/h at the time, and all of the sudden a pack of these cars scream by me. Holy smokes. I was blown away - must've been because of how far I was into the game. Watching the day/night cycle was also pretty impressive.

Anyhoo, art:

Haven't really done anything that great over the past week... Well, except for colouring some guest-strips that Frank drew for The Incredible Cocuyo. Gah, I haven't even drawn today. Well, that's my cue to get other stuff done...

The ninjas are deadly and silent
They’re also unspeakably violent
They speak Japanese
They do whatever they please
And sometimes they vacation in Ireland

The ninjas are deadly and silent
They’re also unspeakably violent
They speak Japanese
They do whatever they please
And if you tear of their mask,
They’ll be smiling

Barenaked Ladies - The Ninjas

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