Thursday, February 19, 2009

Drive In, Drive Out

Well, it's way past my bedtime. But considering the last few nights I've spent the first ~3hrs of my time in bed by staring at the ceiling and watching my mind run itself in circles... Staying up a wee bit late probably won't hurt too much.

I downloaded the Dave Matthews discography a few months ago. I listened to all of the studio albums, and while there certainly were a handful of excellent tracks, as a whole nothing really grabbed me. And just these past two weeks, I was looking for something new to listen to so I figured I'd try the live releases. Wowza. So far I've gone through The Gorge and The Central Park Concert, and I am really enjoying it. It drags in parts where they're more/less just jamming, but most of it is really good. Songs that I didn't give a second's notice to from the studio recording have me completely hooked. I really need to see these guys if they ever come through town and do a concert. I am SOLD.

I could go through many a paragraph detailing the little parts that really nab me. The desperate and seemingly mad vocals for Don't Drink the Water are so irresistible. The crowd singing the 'Hani Hani, come dance for me' chorus over Everyday. Right now it's the bridge by the blasting baritone sax at 2:00 marker in Two Step. Man, I miss playing the bari. Such a deep and rich tone.

Anyways, a few other tidbits... Battlestar Galactica is keeping up some brutal pacing. The story is moving right along, and uncovering answers to many questions. Mind you, it's raising some new ones at the same time... Still not as bad as Lost though - I'm not even bothering with that one any more. Either way, only a few more weeks of BSG before the 3hr finale. CANNOT WAIT.

I started watching Torchwood. I'm only one episode in, and you can see the telltale signs of a BBC show. A peculiar cast (have you SEEN the gap in the main characters front teeth? You could drive a whole 'nother series through there!), an obviously less-than-Hollywood sized budget for CGI, and copious amounts of props and makeup to similate alien objects. The first episode didn't totally captivate me, but I can see that it has potential. I've downloaded the entire first season, so I might as well give it a go.

I bought Assassin's Creed on Steam during their holiday sales. I'd pirated it the first time around and played it through. Despite the numerous glitches, lack of what would be average features and obvious interface issues that remind me of GTAIV (EIGHT steps to exit the game? Really? Do you guys even play your games before shipping them?)... The gameplay itself is pretty good. It's exciting, a bit repetitive, but ultimately is a unique concept presented in a less-explored atmophere/time period. I'm eagerly awaiting a sequel. But yeah, back to the point - I just downloaded/installed my purchased Steam copy. It'll be a fun game to pick up and play in small chunks here and there while I wait for the Scout Update. Which will no doubt be totally awesome.

A new page of Sparks is up, and posted by yours truly. I think it's our best yet. But considering it's only the fourth page... That may or may not be saying much.

One last note - Valentine's Day won. It had the last laugh. I thought I was past it all and didn't need to worry for elevenish more months. But no, when I went back to work on Tuesday (a whole three days later) and fired up my iPod... Lo and behold, there was a fresh This American Life episode themed on Valentine's Day and people finding that special someone. Sigh...

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and not get some sleep. 'Good' night every-peoples.

I can't believe that we would lie in graves
Wondering if we had spent our living days well
I can't believe that we would lie in graves
Wondering what we might of been

Dave Matthews Band - Lie in Our Graves


Frank said...

I'm gonna hit you over the head with this one, bro, but you gotta get out in the world if you want to find love. I'm telling you, there's tons of girls in college. But you're going to have to do stuff you don't like. Party and drink and fuck out of wedlock. I mean, that's all good stuff to ME. But I'm just saying. HOWEVER, I enjoy seeing the art of your anger. It's good stuff.

Crilix said...

What? Are you telling me that I can't gain rewards without going into the real world? Dammit, I may have to reconsider these things. 'Art of Your Anger' sounds like some kinda self-help book though. I'm glad you enjoy it and my efforts to be 'inspired'.