Sunday, May 03, 2009

A Deafening Distance

qui⋅et [kwahy-it] –adjective
restrained in speech, manner, etc.; saying little: a quiet person.

grump⋅y [gruhm-pee] –adjective
surly or ill-tempered; discontentedly or sullenly irritable; grouchy.

I'm quite frankly surprised at how many people find these terms to be synonymous with each other.

Sketch136 copy

#3) What is your most favourite thing to do?
L: "hang with friends of course"
L: "i like to swim, play field hockey, listen to music, just hang out wit friends, ya knowm, shit like that"
A: "sports"
A: "getting that feeling of power! u know when u just feel like ur in such control?"
S: "chat wiff peepo"
S: "uhm... chew bubble gum..."
I: "Go on and RP all day long."
J: "probably just spending time with ppl i like"
C: "play with my friends"
K: "nothing, litterally absolutly nothing and I rarely get to do it"
E: "become enlightened and escape the cycle of reincarnation so as to achieve inner peace and become one with nothingness"
T: "Ummmmm............................................................... Holding down the "." sign... It's fun!"
R: "hmmm probly hang with joelle"
S: "drive. well I like to eat too. and listen to music!
R: "Reading"
J: "Not married yet"
P: "of the things I can say in public, programming"
N: "um.. probalby talk on the phone, meeting up with old friends, getting/writing letters, sleepin"
T: "that's a toss up between reading and watching anime"
Anon: "playing soccer"

In other news, all my roomates are out of town for the next week. That leaves me all alone for the next little while. Which is okay, it's not exactly a foreign concept to me. Most days it doesn't even bother me at all. Besides, as one Mark Twain said, "The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself."



God is an Astronaut - Forever Lost

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