Alriiiight! I've survived the first week of classes. Half week. Where the classes were nothing but standard introductory stuff. Yeah, so basically I ain't seen nothin' yet. Which is too bad, because I
almost feel confident about this whole fiasco. I guess I better hold off on making some sort of sitrep for another two weeks until I have a full, proper week under my belt.
But here are some of my notes so far:
-The building is terrible. The layout is bizarre and the design is barren and unwelcoming. And it has HORRIBLE acoustics - rooms upon rooms made of brick and concrete that reveberate sound so that it's near impossible to make out what you're instructor is saying, even though he's 10ft away.
-The 'S' in SAIT stands for 'SCUMBAGS'. They run the campus parking lots, and are charging
EIGHT FREAKIN' DOLLARS A DAY. They say it's to "encourage students to use public transit." Retards. That isn't encouraging public transit, it's just discouraging motorists. Ah, the good ol' "screw the student over at every opportunity" is strong with this one.
-Art History looks to be wildly intruiging. It's too bad I'm not just auditing the course - I get the feeling that it'll be brutal academically.
-Holy crap, I'm definitely at an art school. Piercings, tattoos, multicoloured hair, and more tattoos. None of which look particularly flattering, but that's just me.
-The Beach Boy's 'Surf City' has the lyric "Two girls for every boy". This ain't no sunny resort and that ratio is a bit closer to 2.3. I heard a prof mention that it was around a 70/30 split for female vs male students. I guess those stereotypes about art school are true.
-I've bought roughly $400 worth of school supplies for all of one and-a-half classes. This may get rather expensive rather quickly.
-The professors I've met so far seem pretty intellegent, engaging, and good at what they do (both as a teacher and as a professional in their field). My Media & Digital Technologies prof seems a bit dry, but that's based on one half-class.
And that pretty much sums up Week #1.

Oh, fun fact: Today is my first anniversary of changing residences. I celebrated by waking up and getting out the door by 8AM, working on a statutory holiday, picking up school supplies and then chugging away at homework for a few hours. I'm such a party animal. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get ready for class tomorrow and figure out what to do about parking.
Monday MondayCan't trust that day Monday Monday, sometimes it just turns out that way Oh Monday morning, you gave me no warning of what was to be Oh Monday Monday, how yould cou leave and not take meThe Mamas & the Papas - Monday Monday