I'm standing in a precarious position at the moment. I'm stuck between trying to get more hours in at work so that don't go broke in the middle of school versus spending some time at home and trying to knock items off of an ever-growing list of To Do's. On one hand, I think that logging more time in at work and keeping my head down will make the transition back into school less jarring - I'll already be in crazy-go-nuts work mode. On the other hand, I'm worried I might end up stuck just with the crazy-go-nuts part. I'm feeling like I'm stretched out too far as is, and I'm worried if I'll crack sometime during the next five months. I can wait for Christmas, right? Even then, won't I want to take the Christmas break to get some work in? Where does the cycle end? Where does it begin, for that matter? I haven't worked a standard 40hr week since I was in the spring semester and doubling up work with classes. "The dog days of summer". Heh.
One of my goals for the summer is to complete 100 sketches. The sketch-a-day has gone all to hell, but this one thing is attainable and won't leave me feeling too guilty once the fall rolls around. Right now I'm up to sketch 78 - I have a bit of a backlog to upload to Flickr. Anyways, to help me stay focused and keep banging off those sketches I'm working on a series. THE ALPHABET! Of things I like, one for each letter. I just finished up P, and tomorrow I do Q. Which is a problem, because I have absolutely no idea what to use for that letter. I'll need to think on it tomorrow during work.
I stumbled upon an interesting article this week. The entire thing is a good read, but I found this particular quote of interest: "Perhaps, you only learned how to memorize names, places, and dates to later on forget in order to clear your mind for the next test." This articulated something that I really struggle with. I have managed to wire my brain for tests - I can soak up and recall a lot of accurate information in a short time span. After my exam is done, though, I lose 90% of it. Which is a bit of a bummer - I learned a lot of neat stuff in Art History over the last year. But I've retained very little of it. Just little snippets and half-ideas. It rather worries me. But now I know it isn't necessarily an abysmal memory, but just one that's rigged to work a certain way. Which is a shame.
So, I went to a family reunion last week. A few days before, my flew into town so we could hang out a bit and then drive down together. Except my car died. His flight just landed, so I locked up the office, got in the car, and.. Nothing. Several jump starts later (from my uncle), we went for dinner and then home. Trickle charged the battery over night, and in the morning... Nothing. Got a jump and drove to Canadian Tire. Bought a battery and a decent set of jumper cables (one of those things I should probably own), and went out to the dead automobile. Of course, my crappy little emergency kit had an imperial socket set and the car was metric. So back into the store to throw $50 down on a basic imperial AND metric set. Go out, replace the battery, and it works fine voila. I figured I hit two important milestones. First, the rite of passage for any motorist - I made a repair in a Canadian Tire parking lot. The second, is that I bought tools. Yes, that was my first time buying tools evar. I know, It's all sorts of pathetic considering how old I am and have never bought hand tools before. Anyways, some $200 later the car is fixed and made the road trip just fine. S'all good.
School starts in... Exactly a month. Oh boy. And the last hours of the weekend have already withered away. There's so much to be done, and summer's already gone. What am I to do?
When I counted up my demons
Saw there was one for every day
With the good ones on my shoulders
I drove the other ones away
So if you ever feel neglected
And if you think that all is lost
I'll be counting up my demons, yeah
Hoping everything's not lost
Coldplay - Everything's Not Lost
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