Sunday, October 14, 2012

Get Yoself in da Game, Head

"This weekend I'm going to buckle down, concentrate, and power through some homework. It's time to stop slacking off, and really try to get back on top of things."

I've said that about two or three times now. It's kind of scary how much trouble I'm having really getting focused as the semester is picking up. It ain't funny any more folks, I REALLY have stuff I need to have solid progress on.

For Friday's class, we're branding a made-up product. We were supposed to have a brand name, logo sketches, and rough packing layouts ready to go. I worked ALL Thursday evening and ALL Friday morning leading up to my crit with the prof. What did I have to show for it? A name. That's it. Oh, well, I suppose I threw in some last-minute design inspirations for the direction I wanted to pursue. But, yeah. Nowhere near what I wanted to have done.

And here I am now, working on a book/publication for Monday. My goal was to have 2-3 spreads fairly completed. Instead, I'll be lucky if I have one done.

Procrastination, ha ha ha, you so funny.

...except I hate you.

Part of me is really looking forward to getting submersed in the work - staying at the studio late every night. Hunkered down with a crappy ol' cuppa noodle for supper, plugging away until it's time for me to go grab the last bus. I want that total submersion, not only to make the most of my fourth and final year of school, but to escape away from a bucket load of other things on my mind. People problems, thing problems, future problems. 99 Problems, Plus One. Or two, even.

Even worse, part of me inside is SCREAMING to be done. To be finished. I am so damn sick of having homework hang over my head every evening and day and weekend. I'm looking forward so much to not have this problem any more. I'm looking forward to getting a car. And learning to play the mandolin. And stay up late playing video games with friends and clanmates on a Friday night. And getting a macro lens, and drawing, and planning trips/adventures, and generally trying to make up for many years of my life that went unlived. That's right, I'm practically the walking dead.

Sigh. That desperate feeling of freedom right around the corner makes me feel like I'm going to burst. What I really need, though, is to cram that into a tiny box, and throw a lock around it, and focus on my work. Work, work, work. Just gotta survive for a bit longer. Please, just help me survive a bit longer.

Ucieknê od przepaœci
Tych ramion z których siê nie wyrwê nigdy ju¿
Od jezior twoich oczu
Utopiê siê gdy wskoczê
Ucieknê bo
Nie mogê tak dalej
Ucieknê st¹d
Jak mogê najdalej
Ucieknê od pu³apki orchidei ust

Goran Bregovic - Spij Kochanie, Spij

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