I think they're both pretty good. I used references just to get the general composition down, but I pretty much did the rest on my own. I'm pretty pleased, I think (especially the Batman one) is some of my better stuff. I took the reference for that one from the new Batman cartoon series. I've actually been enjoying it a bit, I like that take on the universe. Here's a lil' gif of a few steps of the process. Be grateful - It took me a while to dust of ImageReady and figure out how to do animations again.
Anyhoo, you can get a 1600x1200 version of the finished peice here.
What next... Ohhh! CYLONS! OH BABY THE CYLONS! BSG is back and I'm loving it... Oh, how I've missed the sweet sweet adventures of the Battlestar Galactica and friends. I'm starting to believe that this really is going to be a dark season... The whole first episode(s?) was so... Intense. Especially with the suicide bombing. The whole thing reeked of political messages relevent to what's going on now. Especially the whole thing with Baltar denying the torture. Either way: I LOVE it. So dark, so dramatic, so exciting.
Can't say the same about Lost. It's getting near the same page as Smallville. I'll keep watching it for intrests sake, but really... I've stopped caring. Once again, more questions than answers and they're questions I don't really care to see answered all that much. Bleh. I've stopped watching Smallville altogether though. No point in watching if I can't tear it apart and butcher it with someone.
There's a few good games coming out this month eh? We got some Flight Sim X, Dark Messiah, Splinter Cell, NFS Carbon, and BF2142. Oh, BF2142... I downloaded, installed, and played the demo. I have mixed feelings about it, but I might buy it. If you really want to know what I think, check out my, um... 'review'.
So many games, all so expensive... Am I the only one who thinks $50 is too much for a game? Bah, probably not. I'll end up buying some of them anyways. Prolly BF this month, NFS next month (I've been on a bit of a racing binge lately). We'll see what some reviews say.
And on a differant note... Have you ever had a weird conversation with someone when you tried to get a message across and figure out where they stand on something, only to end it knowing less than you initially did? How very... Surreal perhaps?
Anyways, if this whole post seems rather disjointed, it may because I haven't posted in a month or... Because I'm watching the Colbert Report on the other monitor. I've already corrected a handful of bizarre errors. And I don't feel like going back to fix more except URLs or something. Suck it up.
Well, its a marvelous night for a moondance
With the stars up above in your eyes
A fantabulous night to make romance
neath the cover of october skies
And all the leaves on the trees are falling
To the sound of the breezes that blow
And Im trying to please to the calling
Of your heart-strings that play soft and low
Van Morrison - Moondance
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