Frank gave me the choice of "falling or fallen". I chose the prior, and he presented me with a sketch of a gut for me to ink and colour. The below is the result of a few hours of work. I kinda like it. Although, it is the first time I've used the dodge and burn tools (pathetic - I know). Regardless, I did a horrible job with the lighting. It should've been more even considering it's (supposed to be) night time. Bah.
I'm really jealous of Frank. He's such a great artist - he can draw *so* much better than I can. I love working on his stuff.
In other news, BSG. Wow. I thought last weeks was good. The atmo attach was the best sci-fi military maneuver I've ever seen. It had me standing up and excited. The Pegasus taking out the basestars was incredible. That was a work of art. And then I saw this week's episode. Not a single shot fired or explosion, and yet *easily* the best BSG to date. The writing was sheer genious, and I really found myself locked in to what each character was thinking and doing. Just... Wow. I think that's what makes BSG so great - It doesn't need the action to make it good. What a fabulous show.
Then there's Lost, which sucks.
Then there's Heroes, which is awesome. Not BSG awesome, but a significant runner-up. I'm really enjoying that one, and can't wait for tonights episode.
This weekend I played +8hrs of BF2142. I had fun 'cuz I played most of it with Frank. Regardless, it leaves me feeling quite unproductive. I need a break from that game now, so I'm trying out KotOR2. I want to get the new Need for Speed, but I can't spend the cash. I've totally blown my budget with the skates and Cardel pass. I don't want to spend anymore money on myself until the new year. With the exception of the Trans-Siberian Christmas Trilogy, of course. Chirstmas music is one of my favourite parts of winter, specifically because of TSO.
I gotta find me a image host. Allbrand does a fabulous job, but I'm needing more bandwidth for some reason. I don't know where are the hits are coming from. Could it be that significant amounts of people are reading this? Probably not. Regardless, should I get just an FTP or an actual image hosting account? Beats me... Maybe I should ask Steve or Eric...
Anyhoo, gunna go play some KotOR. I'm a sucker for a game with good storytelling. Oh Starcraft, how I miss thee and HL2 Ep2 seems so far away yet. *Sigh*
PS- I bought the new BNL album from their official site. It cost me $17 for 27 tunes that downloaded within 4 minutes. How sweet is that? I can't wait to go see them live...
Some people are just all show
I don’t mind that if the show is worth watching
But it’s all bark, and not tree
What’s more ironic than a hippie in Versace?
It’s all peace and love and limousines
You’ve got the right message but the wrong intentions
How can you be touchy-feely when you’ve lost touch?
I think its time we had a little intervention with you
Barenaked Ladies - Down to Earth
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