Sunday, September 21, 2008

Carefree highway, let me slip away on you.

Yup, it's Fall. I went for a walk last night to scout out where the nearest church was. And as I marched down the pavement there was that oh-so-familiar crunch crunch of the dry multicoloured leaves beneath me. More fell off the trees as I passed them, lining the streets with vivid warm hues. Mind you, when I made the trip again this morning, the rain had reduced it all to a wonderful mush. And now, as I sit here and tap tap at the keys under my fingers I can here the strong autumn winds barging through the complex, following the twisty sidewalks and ripping around building after building. I can feel the chill. It makes me think of home.

Which I visited last week, hence the lack of the weekly blog update/post. I went to have some dental work done (it was cheaper than doing it sans-health coverage), and had a good, but abrupt, visit with the family. And the car.

Now, for the record, my car completely embodies my sense of independence and freedom. Yes, I live in a whole 'nother province then my family and I ride the bus to work every day to work at quite a decent job. And I have the money to put my credit card to use ordering the likes of a new 22" LCD monitor. But believe me when I say that this is quite a shallow existence. There is something undeniably... Liberating, to have the ability to go where you want, when you want. Without a ticket or fare, without having to ask someone for a ride. And even when I was living at home and had my car at standby, I seldom took it for a casual spin. Y'see, I know I'm a rather dumb, young, and naive person. And so the rare occasions where I realize I am being as such I try to take ahold of things and do something sensible and mature. In this case, it's letting my car sit in a garage and gather dust. Gas is expensive, insurance is practically extortion, and upkeep ain't no picnic either. And especially when there's a competant public transit system on hand and you live a short bikeride from work... There really isn't a logical excuse to jump through the hoops to have and drive a car in a congested city where you never go faster than 60KM/H. And it creates a void, it really does. When I went home last week I paid $35 to insure my car for 24hrs, of which I maybe drove it for 3. But damn those were three kickass hours. I didn't really go anywhere in particular - I just went. Setup the iPod, cranked the stereo, and drove.


In other news, I watched Pulp Fiction. Interesting flick. I don't really think it lived up to what the majority of people made it out to be, but it had some charm. The characters were articulate (well, aside from the plethora of profanity, but I suppose that's just what Samuel L Jackson does), and the banter between them was witty. Overall it felt a little bit... Directionless and incomplete. But I'll give it points for being original enough to really make you wonder what will happen around the next corner.

And that, folks, wraps up the weekend. It's almost time for bed, so maybe I can quick check that darn Google Reader one last time, maybe do a few more tracks in Audiosurf, or read a book. Oh, the possibilities...

Searchin' through the fragments of my dream-shattered sleep
I wonder if the years have closed her mind
I guess it must be wanderlust or tryin' to get free
From the good old faithful feelin' we once knew

Carefree highway, let me slip away on you
Carefree highway, you seen better days
The mornin' after blues from my head down to my shoes
Carefree highway, let me slip away
Slip away on you
Let me slip away on you

Gordon Lightfoot - Carefree Highway


Frank said...

(gasp!) You didn't LOVE Pulp Fiction?!

I guess at this point, it HAS been hyped up pretty crazy for ya.

I totally understand the car thing. I live 2 miles from work. I really should just bike to work. But man, it's a fun 2 miles. Or at least parts of it are fun.

I really enjoyed the leaf drawing. I wish I could colour... :(

Crilix said...

Well, it wasn't a bad movie. The dialogue was quirky and fresh and the characters were really intriguing. It didn't quite catch my fancy though... I appreciate the film for how unique it was, but it just wasn't for me. /shrugs