-Due to some hectic and secret last minute planning, we rigged it so that my bro (who just graduated from university) could come down to the Faire with us. It worked out great, he surprised everyone, and it was nice to see him for a few days (even though we didn't do anything together)
-We were required to make hand-drawn posters for our products. I sat down and drew and drew and drew for two hours, and made some pretty craptacular images. Worst part of the Faire, by far. I wasted so much time and effort on something that turned out so poorly. In my defense, though, I don't think I've drawn with Sharpies... Ever. That, and I'm completely useless with physical mediums anyways.
-Worked roughly twenty-four hours over the two days of Maker Faire, and spent a combined total of about forty-five minutes not at the booth. That being said...
-Didn't really get a chance to really see anything at the faire, except for a round of RC naval warfare. Which was, quite frankly, awesome.
...aaaand that's all I experienced at Maker Faire. Aside from that, though, we spent some time at the Half Moon Bay beach, which was gorgeous. The ocean was so loud, I had the opportunity to sit by myself and play my ocarina by the surf and nobody could hear me. It was my only moment of serendipity for the entire trip, and I quite enjoyed it. Except when friend/co-worker/roommate came up to photograph me. I don't like having my picture taken and I was fine being alone, but she insisted. Mind you, I've yet to see said images, so it could all just be a clever ruse.
I don't think she actually follows this particular corner of the interwebs, so all my oh-so-subtle hinting may be for naught. But here's my revenge - I drew her foots during the return flight:
Moving on, we spend Monday just bumming around San Fran. Highlights include being crammed into a streetcar (yay - I went on vacation to another country just so I could take public transit!), later riding a trolley (which was actually pretty neat), wasting an hour at Pier 31 (which consists of a massive collection of worthless tourist shops crammed with an endless array of pointless memorabilia), getting semi-lost in the city and walking the streets for a half-hour or so, and briefly stopping at Ghirardelli's before having to get to the airport, and... That's probably it. Oh, lots of nice cars in California. I spotted a Ferrari Somethingorother, Caterham 7 (!), 63 Porsches (one of which was a Carrera with a bike rack), Lotus Elise (up close and personal in a parking lot), Tesla Roadster (likewise up close and personal) and a DMC Delorean (!!!). The latter was by far the highlight. I've never seen one before, and I never expected it to be on the road instead of a museum or garage.
Overall, the San Fransisco/California expedition was... Okay, I guess. There were just so many people everywhere. It's not my idea of a good time to go from one overpopulated city to another, particularly to points of interest where the concentration is even higher. There were some neat things I saw and did, and I did enjoy myself here and there. But I would not ever spend my own money to do it again. I don't mind doing it for work, but I don't understand the desire to go somewhere and do dopey tourist things that a bajillion other dopey tourists do and have done. If I'm going to go on a vacation, I at least want to pretend I'm doing something unique, dammit.
But that's just me. Maybe I'm just too introverted for my own good.
In other news, I submitted my application for loans this weekend. Goooodbye savings, hellooooo debt. Being student is going to be FUN!!
If you're going to San Francisco
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
If you're going to San Francisco
You're gonna meet some gentle people there
Scott McKenzie - San Francisco (Be Sure to Wear Flowers in Your Hair)
Note: The song starts off with this almost oppressive, dark tone. It's a shame that the lyrics are so shallow and flimsy and that the counter-melody feels like it was recorded separately and spliced in.
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