Sunday, January 11, 2015

Cappin' off the Old Year

Twennyforteen. S'all gone.

Okay, it's been a while since I've written last (I hereby declare that statement, and various version of it, to be this blogs most-repeated sentiment), but I'm hopin' that'll change this year. I'd like to, for the first time since starting school, manage to write (on average) at least once a week. And yes, that comes with the knowledge that I'm off to a roaring start after missing last week.

With all that ramblin' out of the way, I want to get back to some actual content. 2014 is now officially over. I usually spend New Year's Eve with my Aunt and Uncle's family. On our way to do some outdoor skating this year, we decided to play some 'best/worst part of the year' in retrospect. Here are a few of my answers:

Best movie (my top 3, in order):
Interstellar (nothing short of epic and strange and wonderful)
Grand Budapest Hotel (funny, off-beat and unexpected, and a visual FEAST)
LEGO Movie (pleasant surprise. Cleverly written, fun, and absolutely gorgeous)

Best video game: Valiant Hearts. One of those shining examples of what video games as a medium are possible of, not in terms of graphics or guns or frags, but pure storytelling. It was simple but very heartfelt. Repetitive in places, but elegant. (Disclaimer for this category: I only really played two games this year, the other one being Evil Genius from 2004)

Best new possession: My 1986 Porsche 944 in Guard's Red. A little rough around the edges. Not particularly fast. But damn does it put a smile on my face. Seeing that little Porsche emblem on my keychain is wonderful. I love how mechanical everything, including the heavy thunk from closing the door. I like how low it is, and how planted it is to the ground. And those pop-up headlights... Mmm. I've wanted to be a Porsche owner for about 10 years, and even though it's a car as old as I am, it makes me feel great. I've done my best to be really good with money for a long time, and in a way this is my way of paying off all that hard work.

Biggest mistake: My 1986 Porsche 944 in Guard's Red. It was a purely emotional purchase, and since then I've put in... Far too much money. It's a mid 80's eurpean sportscar that I'm using as my daily driver. Parts are expensive and rare, and badly needed to keep this ancient contraption on the road. Stupid, stupid, stupid. There is no logical argument that can possibly made in favour of buying this thing when I could've gotten a Civic. It should come as no surprise that it broke down yesterday and is currently sitting at the shop. Just. Plain. Stupid.

But it still makes me smile.

Best part of 2014: Coming home from New York. Being around friends and family in a more peaceful setting. I feel a lot more comfortable and at ease away from the Mega City. I have a car, even (finally). It's a beautiful place to live, and I can finally exhale.

Worst part of 2014: Leaving New York. I miss the frantic richness and chaos of it all. I miss how the place was oozing with culture and there was always something going on. I feel like a failure for missing out on the big time of working for a fancy firm. Calgary is such teeny potatoes in comparison, in every way. Deep down, I worry that I'm not as interesting to people now that I've come back.

Best discovery: Beard trimmers. I can't believe it took me this long to realize there's an alternative to shaving (aside from looking like a hobo).


And with that, I shall sign off. Here's to an awesome 2015. It's pretty crazy; on January 1st I moved out and finally got my own place (it's a dark and cold basement suite, but no room mates). A month prior, I officially started work as a full employee. A month before that, I got my dream car (or a dream car, I should say). If this isn't a new start, I don't know what is.

And we'll send you glad tidings from New York
Open up your eyes so you may see
Ask you not to read between the lines
Hope that you will come in right on time
And they'll talk to you while you're in trances
And you'll visualize not taking any chances
But meet them halfway with love, peace and persuasion
And expect them to rise for the occasion
Don't it gratify when you see it materialize
Right in front of your eyes
That surprise

Van Morrison - Glad Tidings

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