Sunday, March 12, 2006

Holy BS freakin' G.

Battlestar Galactica. Wow.

You have your Star Trek type season enders that only influence two or three episodes before it's forgotten. You have your Lost enders, which introduce new elements that will bend the next season around it. Then you have your Battlestar Galactica season enders, which totally change the situation of the series around. Wow, just wow. That was an incredible episode. They have a ONE YEAR jump. Normally a season finale revolves around one large incident. They threw that away with the circumstances you're familiar with, and practically rewrote the plot. That was freakin' incredible. The worst part is that we'll have to wait until October for the next episode. Personally, I'd like to see one ready for tomorrow night, but... I wish.

I reinstalled BF2. It looks (and runs) great on my new system. I was never fond of the netcode, though. I never ping well in Battlefield, and lag is really noticable. That and the ingame server browser seems clunky. I like my Steam. Oh well... There's a torrent running upstairs, so I can't play any online games if I wanted to. I get hella laggy... 'Guess I'll hafta draw or something.

I, I can remember
Standing, by the wall
And the guns, shot above our heads
And we kissed, as though nothing could fall
And the shame, was on the other side
Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever
Then we could be heroes, just for one day

David Bowie - Heroes

Not that it matters, but this was the intro song for NHL '98. Ah, that was a great game...

1 comment:


BF2?..shit here we go again..Battlestar Galactica? This wouldn't be the one were they've turned Starbuck into a woman would it? What've they done to my youth??!!