Tuesday, July 01, 2008

In a funk

Sometimes when you're working away at something... Something straight-forward and repetitive, you're mind starts to wonder. And I'm not talking about wondering over to gaming or the weather or cars... No, I'm referring to evaluating your life, decisions, where you are and where you're going. Y'know, the kinda stuff that you really don't need to be thinking about 45mins before you get off work and head home.

So there you are, cutting wire and winding them into sensor springs, listening to some mellow tunes for an anime soundtrack. And deciding that in the big picture (or small one, for that matter) you're really not that pleased with where you are. And even worse, you don't know what to do, or how to change it. It puts you into a bit of am unquenchable melancholy mindset.

Funny how that works. You think you're just sitting there and plugging away while you wait for the day to end... And all of the sudden, you're left with so much more than sensor springs.

All I see is not for me
What I want you have not got
Tried to use things you sold me, no matter what the cost
Tried to go the way you told me, but each time, I got lost
The stairs didn’t lead me anywhere

Blue Man Group - Up to the Roof

1 comment:

Frank said...

It's a bitch, in't it? Thinking too much.

Chris, there's things in life you can do something about and things you can't.

You can make plans and follow them or let them gather dust in your mind until they are dark with the shadow of dismissal and low self esteem.

And we no longer have an excuse. There's the internet for researching now. The amount of information out there is massive. I don't know what's got you down (other than the fact that we don't have any superpowers) but if you can do something about it, do it, dude.

Holler at me if you want to shoot the shit, dude.