Sunday, October 21, 2007

V is very, very extraordinary

Been a while since I've actually drawn something. Oh well, better a sketch than nothing at all, right? I did a quick trace of one and just used a photo reference for the other... I'll give you a hint, I traced the most attractive one. Keep in mind I'm a total nerd, and in actuality I wouldn't stand a chance with the other one in the drawing.

Moving right along... I finished two midterms last week. One was easy, one wasn't too bad. I'm practically all caught up designing the catalogue for work, at this point it's all stuff that I can't complete without receiving info/media. I can't wait to get this project done and out of the way. I still need to get some ad concepts done so I can put something together for Servo Mag by the end of the month.

Speaking of the end of the month (or more precisely, the start of the next), I have my driver's test on the 2nd. Totally nervous about it. I'm a good driver. I know I'm a good driver. Does that mean I'll be calm, confident and relaxed? Of course not. I need to read through the driver's manual to see what exactly I need to do to pass when driving standard.

I was going to talk about the TV I've been watching, like Heroes (which I'm not too thrilled with), but I've got tons of stuff to do. So I will go and get busy being productive.

L is for the way you look at me,
O is for the only one I see,
V is very, very extraordinary,
E is even more than anyone that you adore can love.

is all that I can give to you,
love is more than just a game for two.
Two in love can make it,
take my heart but please don't break it.

Love was made for me and you...

Natalie Cole - LOVE


Eric said...

After driving Calgary for a year, that test will be a piece of cake! And by cake I mean pizza cake with little pizza medallions on top, that exclaims the fact that the boss is gone.

Crilix said...

Mmm... Pizza trophy cake...

Someone DID finish that off, right? Don't tell me you're 'saving' it for me when I come back in the summer.