Monday, October 29, 2007

What to be... THAT is the question.

And, as a result, HOW to be, is also a question. Looks like the graphic arts program is still on hiatus (or "under review"), and still won't be around for for Fall 08. With no word of when it's coming back, of course. It's not fair, I tells ya... School sucks. I'd go ahead and wing it with some other program if it wasn't so expensive. I guess I'm just not that keen on accumulating student loans or blowing so much money on something I may or may not ever use in the future.

Who knows, maybe it was never meant to be. Maybe I've got it allll wrong.

It's a thousand pages, give or take a few,
I'll be writing more in a week or two.
I can make it longer if you like the style,
I can change it round and I want to be a paperback writer,
Paperback writer.

If you really like it you can have the rights,
It could make a million for you overnight.
If you must return it, you can send it here
But I need a break and I want to be a paperback writer,
Paperback writer.

Beatles - Paperback Writer

1 comment:

Eric said...

There are lots of ways to learn graphics arts! Don't give up hope! All of your experience counts for a lot, and a way I believe will show up.
